23rd September marks my last day of work at Courts Bukit Timah...
10days there as Sony Vaio Promoter and 2 days there as data entry girl..
thank you to all who has helped me in one way or another. guided me, coached me, taught me helped me in any way during my 12 days there...
last day of work at Courts Bukit Timah..

of course must take a picture with my lovely prettaye Karen!
we've been through thick and thin for these 10days (:
from being so pressurized by Calvin that we want to quit, to losing our punch cards and all..
seems like we've really been through alot huh. LOL.

aiya. my hand short den she don't like the angle lor. she want higher angle. hahaha.

proud to present to you, my Sony Vaio creation. hahaha.
I, ME, MYSELF arranged the display of the Vaios!

tada! display of the b-e-a-Utiful Vaio CR11 colours, namely Indigo Blue, Aroma Black, Blazing Red and Luxury Pink. (Pure White was not on display. instead that was the TZ17 Champagne Gold)
Alan was going, "mmm.. good... VERY GOOD! good..." on Friday night when he came to spot check us. >.<

Calvin (Manager) chatting with Stephanie (my IT supervisor)...

Nicholas the Samsung promoter. he was the nearest so i started taking picture with him. LOL.

Joanne. the nice Delonghi promoter who gave me one whole box of butter cake that she baked during the demonstration yesterday. hahaha. she's very nice and helpful.. (:

stupid wayne. the one whom i complaint about and wanted to take his photo secretly and aim darts at his nose. hahaha. ok la.. he was like much much MUCH better to me subsequently.. besides always laughing at me or teasing at me. at least he's not threatening me or what?
i was scolding him for eating INSIDE my Sony Vaio booth...

my dearest Enna (is not) Banana! (haha. inside joke.) the canon girl and the sony girl.

Ah Pui (Winson. he was at Comex too!!) Christopher and the guy holding camera (i don't know his name) chit chatting. the guy holding the camera was testing out cameras and he took a picture of me when i was slacking around and chit chatting (gossiping) with Enna! and he printed it out with the Canon Selphy:

it's quite cool actually. Cuz it's like 4R size and it's a post card template behind!! haha. coolios.

Ah Pui's stomach damn solid. really. i pat before. super solid. can hide 3 babies inside. tsk tsk. and i caught a SUPER UNGLAM Christopher. aiyo, no image le la. he and wayne are like the only "good-looking" ones at Courts... -.- shows how limited choice we have there. HAHAHA! (although Enna strongly disagrees and thinks Eddie is cuter. see what i mean about "chit-chatting" with Enna?)

Victor, the Samsung TV sales rep..

Ting Hui. (or rather,
Kaine. or should i add "Prince" in front? LOL.) fellow classmate cum colleague for 9 days.

Benny! the Sony Bravia promoter. Leon didn't come. or else i can show you all the "watch-your-back" guy. HAHAHA.
GUESS which one is my wallet?

Me and Mani!!
i'd always sing "money money moeny, money money, it's a rich man's world~" whenever Mani comes within my perimeters.. hahaha. he kept complaining to me his neck very painful last night because i shouted to Raj (P.S. it's
RAJ, not
RUTCH. the way people at Courts pronounce names are SUPER MISLEADING) "Raj!!! Mani bully me!" and he arm wrestled Mani's neck. hahaha.

i was ordered to sit on the chair and LOOK after my 10 Vaios. Uncle Wong walked pass and i was looking at him den Calvin shouted, "eh! ask you took LOOK after your Vaios arh! you look at Ah Wong for what! Ah Wong so old you also want ah! Yan Jing Kan Ni De Dong Xi!"
den very bored ma. everyone so busy packing up, den i sit there like posing like that.. so i took random photos..

that's Calvin in the background after screaming at me. (he joking only la..) den the one in black is the weird weird Home Appliances promoter who tried to feed me cookies and specially came to my booth to say bye to me almost every night one...
the other guy in blue is Courts staff Jason from IT.

the nice and cute Delonghi promoter who bakes very nice cheese cake! he will always keep some nice food for me. hahaha (:

tada!!! my Courts buddy Qi Ren! (:(:(:
he's a lucky man. (everyone says so. cuz Karen so prettaye!)

Jason! he keep repeating i must feel honoured because he rarely takes photos.. tsk tsk tsk.

HP promoter, Andrew. he asked me for Alan's number. (aiyo, not my number?) he wants to join Sony! LOL.

Karen eating Paddlepop. why i dont have! (tell you hor, life is unfair. pretty people get better treatment.. seriously.. everyone so nice to her, but hor, all bully me one lor. TUT. kidding la. tummy ache so i didn't take the other Paddlepop which was specially reserved for both of us.. haha. but what i said above is SLIGHTLY true lor. haiz.)

WAYNE. i will always remember him. this
mean poke!scared the wits out of me during my first few days at work...
everyday come and see and touch my Vaio TZ17. ask him buy he say no money!!! still dare say he like very much. but don't want buy! and then he say if got pink TZ he sure buy... no pink TZ la! pink CR11 have. you want buy??? (the pink CR11 he arrange one somemore. he really like pink so much ah?!?! -puzzled- he say he no girlfriend..)

Lucas! (Ting Hui's Acer partner. Sony's arch rival at the roadshow. haha. but can't help it. he's damn kick-ass good-looking.) *bliss*

Chris. didn't really like her cuz i had the feeling she don't really like me. but after the first few days, it was okayyy.. hahah. not much interaction la. but since she's the IT staff, should take photo with her.. =P

Stephanie! the IT supervisor.

Raj! my
boyfriend. hahaha. SUPER nice to me (since i was doing data entry). always helping me and checking if i'm alright with all the work, can always count on him when i need help or in trouble or when i have questions.
especially grateful he will always come to my rescue with Wayne or Mani. hahaha. the two BADDIES.
it has been tiring, but helluva fun like Comex.
learnt alot. experienced alot. made alot of new friends. seen alot of things.
i really like the job. because i get to go to different places and experience different things.
different working environment, meet different people, different system.
at Challenger was super slack. at Courts was super stressed.
i hope Sony still has other roadshows for me!
think of me, think of me fondly, when we've said goodbye...
remember me, once in a while, please promise me you'll try...
i hope i have left a fond memory in the minds of
ALL the people i have met at the roadshows...