Hey! Gorgeous~
was supposed to go to this closed-door event at paragon's Miss Selfridge with Claire Neo Wei Ling.
but the stupid Hwa Chong girl received FIVE BLOODY ESSAYS as homework so we had to forgo it.
and i can't go on my own because she's the one who invited me. ):
but after school, the Hey! Gorgeous people called, and they're filming yaya!
so xuan xuan & i (since i've got nothing to do) stayed back to watch Sandra, Sherilyn and YaYa do their dance routine. (in case yaya's really chosen for the final 3 and she has to perform)
stayed from 5-830+
even watching and giving comments is TIRING.
i can't imagine how tired they are... LOL.
8am lesson today! ITAB somemore! god.
and we skipped PACC lecture (except ling ling & dydy, our en voyeurs to copy notes down for us) to wait with yaya at FC6 for them to come and shoot her. zzz.
and i was so scared they'd ask me why i nominate her...
we were anxiously waiting and waiting and waiting. it's like, we can see them! (they were interviewing some other people 15m away from us and all of us were so freaking nervous.)
and when they finally came, we shunned the camera (and yaya) like they had super contagious diseases. half my ass was falling off the seat. and sandra had to gimme a push to prevent me from falling. *aiyo!*
after the filming, we went to watch their dance routine and gave them more comments before heading for our GEMs seperately..
my module is so cool because we don't have tests! it's ICA module so it's solely going to be based on 2 projects.
plus we're going to have 3 field lectures! which means we would be hitting chinatown, little india or asian civilisation museum or blah (the teacher named alot of plausible places he might be bringing us) for lectures instead of staying in classrooms.
HAHAHA. the prob is i wonder how i'm going to rush back to SB for 3pm's Character Development... -.-
xuan xuan's module will be teaching them photoshop!!!
but the irony is, she doesn't have photoshop! wahahaha.
whereas i have, on both desktop (from monk's sister's CD) and Vaio! (haha. Vaio is preloaded with Adobe photoshop! neh nanny poo poo! so cool right! =P)
now xuan xuan is bugging me for the photoshop. pffft!
*dasmond koh!* -melts melts melts and i think xuan xuan and i would be inseperable because all melted into a pool already-
okok, *nat ho* i can hear sherlim swooning with nat ho's name...
everyone thinks xuan and i have weird taste. we're not weird. we're special k!

haha. xuan xuan and carmen forever! (:(:(:
LOL. random.
yay. we finished editing the pictures:

still got fiona's. i look too ugly. don't want to upload. hahaha...
tata! tmr working at Vivocity's Courts. stupid Alan.
feel like boxing and punching him.
(random thought)
but the stupid Hwa Chong girl received FIVE BLOODY ESSAYS as homework so we had to forgo it.
and i can't go on my own because she's the one who invited me. ):
but after school, the Hey! Gorgeous people called, and they're filming yaya!
so xuan xuan & i (since i've got nothing to do) stayed back to watch Sandra, Sherilyn and YaYa do their dance routine. (in case yaya's really chosen for the final 3 and she has to perform)
stayed from 5-830+
even watching and giving comments is TIRING.
i can't imagine how tired they are... LOL.
8am lesson today! ITAB somemore! god.
and we skipped PACC lecture (except ling ling & dydy, our en voyeurs to copy notes down for us) to wait with yaya at FC6 for them to come and shoot her. zzz.
and i was so scared they'd ask me why i nominate her...
we were anxiously waiting and waiting and waiting. it's like, we can see them! (they were interviewing some other people 15m away from us and all of us were so freaking nervous.)
and when they finally came, we shunned the camera (and yaya) like they had super contagious diseases. half my ass was falling off the seat. and sandra had to gimme a push to prevent me from falling. *aiyo!*
after the filming, we went to watch their dance routine and gave them more comments before heading for our GEMs seperately..
P.S. and on my way to GEMs with audrey, we saw Ben & Fiona. i took photo with Fiona! although i'm not like a fan of hers. haha. poor Ben. i wanted to take photo with her but they were all shouting "last one last one!" i think many guys felt like killing me for snatching with them when i don't really even idolise Fiona.
my module is so cool because we don't have tests! it's ICA module so it's solely going to be based on 2 projects.
plus we're going to have 3 field lectures! which means we would be hitting chinatown, little india or asian civilisation museum or blah (the teacher named alot of plausible places he might be bringing us) for lectures instead of staying in classrooms.
HAHAHA. the prob is i wonder how i'm going to rush back to SB for 3pm's Character Development... -.-
xuan xuan's module will be teaching them photoshop!!!
but the irony is, she doesn't have photoshop! wahahaha.
whereas i have, on both desktop (from monk's sister's CD) and Vaio! (haha. Vaio is preloaded with Adobe photoshop! neh nanny poo poo! so cool right! =P)
now xuan xuan is bugging me for the photoshop. pffft!
*dasmond koh!* -melts melts melts and i think xuan xuan and i would be inseperable because all melted into a pool already-
okok, *nat ho* i can hear sherlim swooning with nat ho's name...
everyone thinks xuan and i have weird taste. we're not weird. we're special k!
LOL. random.
yay. we finished editing the pictures:

tata! tmr working at Vivocity's Courts. stupid Alan.
feel like boxing and punching him.
(random thought)
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