alright alright.
i think i'd better stop playing neopets for once.
shouldn't forsake blogging time for neopets no more! =P
well, first and foremost...
EXHILARATION!for PW has ended!
i fared pretty well i guess (:
and no more rubbishy team mates and all.
and i'm thankful i dont have to continue living under a facade in front of them no more.
honestly speaking, i had a tough time living under false pretences and sick of feeling like an ultimate big fat hypocrite.
1. I HATE IT; everytime they say they want to come to my house ever since the time we did WR together.
a) they expect people to remember everything! e.g. a meeting set A MONTH ago. they planned to come my house a few weeks before and i dont remember it. they only messaged me past midnight to confirm with me. imagine if u had plans, how annoying is that?!
b) they came my house at 9, we did outlines for WR, and one left at 12, one left at 1, the other two, one slept on my bed, one watched KSS. me?slogging away typing furiously at the computer.
c) i was out, they called. "carmen ah.. u know today got OP rehearsal right...? you coming?" "HUH?! OP REHEARSAL?! nobody told me there's OP rehearsal today!" "mei hui, (PW rep aka my TEAM MATE) u never msg carmen ah? (pause) oh.ok. erm.. so, you can come?" "no? i'm outside?!" another takes over, "you near your house? anyone at your house? oh, nevermind." (line went dead)
3. my group LOOKS harmonious alright but there's silent unhappiness within
everyone towards
i just cant stand the fact that no one dares voice out opinion.
it's as though there's an invisible boundary surrounding all of us.
tender. fragile.delicate.
and once broken, we might all just explode.
yeah. it's one of those group where you'd feel awkward to voice out opinions for fear of something might happen.
and even if we do, we do it politely.
it's very uncomfortable.
not like "wa lao. that colour is super ugly la. choose another one."
we say things like, "why not choose another colour? i dont think this is suitable."
and i cant stand times where i feel like i'm being pushed-over but i cant do anything but haplessly succumb to them.
whateverrrenough of bitching about PW.
i'm just glad beyond glad that EVERYTHING is over.
anyway, after my OP, went to the salon and VOILA!

goodbye straight hair! (photo taken in May)

hello curls!!!
coincidentally i wore the same top! teehee.
although i'd desperately hoped that my hair would grow longer before i went for perming, like harry potter when he had a hideous hair cut. but nope, i'm definitely not a witch. NAH.
went shopping with mama~

cute, aint we? my mum was contemplating to act cool or to smile and she ended up half cool half smile. HA.
and today!
went Hougang Mall with doris! (:
who practically couldn't recognise me due to my new hairdo.
we shopped around and around.
bought my shampoo, conditioner, soap, blah blah toileteries at watson and lugged them to the Cheng San library.
read "Orlando Bloom Ruined Everything" and had a good time vibrating with laughter in the library and gasping for breath, desperately trying to laugh and talk quietly.
went home and changed and immediately left with mum to eat at a restaurant called "Pu Tien".
it serves rather good food that you'll never get sick of eating (:
yummy yum yum
but was surrounded by all her friends i.e. tai chi kakis cum karaoke kakis cum mahjong kakis.
her friend's grand daughter is really really really cute!!!
she's not shy and is very friendly, unlike other little kids who shun at strangers and hides behind their mummies.

so cute and sweet and only seven! -cringe-
i'm TEN YEARS older than her!!! (:
as usual, me, being so "you ren yuan", practically "da xiao tong chi"
the ah mas and aunties loved me and little kiddo like her loves me.
she even said before she left "ni miss wo de shi hou ni kan zhe ge lor"
i.e. "when u miss me, u can look at the photo"
-exclaims- SO SWEET!!! SO CUTE!!!
i want a daughter somewhat like her!!!

please ignore me. i look hideous in the photo. one-eyed-monster
but the focus is her! benice! or bernice! (no idea)
she even sang Lao Shu Ai Da Mi to entertain us!
ah. i'm missing her already...
-miss popular- *beams*