Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
no plans for my birthday yet.
yes 二月初二 is my lunar birthday (:
and i've to spend it mugging for consumer behaviour, my LAST PAPER.
yes. going to TGIF girls' night out with melly.
and then going to spend my early saturday morning at dhs with doris to visit the juniors before their concert on 4th March..
will be watching He's Just Not That Into You with Doris thereafter and go buy our cotton on stuffs! (:
Sunday, I hope I'll be going Malaysia with my parents for some shopping.
If not, then I guess I'll just take a good long rest at home before starting work (attachment) on Monday.
Counting down 12 days to my Twentieth Birthday.
EEKS. twentieth just sounds horrible.
it's like, i can no longer be called a "teen" and yet i'm not an "adult" yet.
neither here nor there - stranded.
"I'm not a girl, not yet a woman~"
hahaha. oh wells, at least I'll be banished to the same place as bestie who has already turned twenty on Vday, and doris who is turning twenty-one this year, and jia who is turning twenty-oh-one this year too!
no plans for my birthday... YET.
kinda wallowing in self-pity.
because every year, i pray and hope for a good surprise.
but dang every year i get disappointed.
only myself to blame because i'm kinda too observant, it's damn hard to surprise me.
like last year's birthday cake surprise... hahaha.
xiuyi, claire and clarissa were in cahoots with hesheng to surprise me with the carousel birthday cake hesheng bought for me.
the process was super not-surprise-ish because the three revealed something here and there and made me suspicious.
but i really didn't expect the carousel cake. HAHA.
and because i'm too observant i'm pretty good at planning surprises.
i know what not to do to prevent the "victim" from becoming suspicious.
i think the best surprises i've planned so far was the most recent xiuyi's 20th birthday surprise...
and claire's.. 18th i think. haha where i lied to her i broke up with hesheng and i really needed to talk to her i'm at her place and she came rushing home. but because yingxiu weren't ready yet i had to fake tears cry sob wail.
it was super impromptu but SUPER GOOD.
claire was so taken aback her jaw dropped to the floor and her eyes seriously popped out of her sockets, i swear.
claire's 19th was not bad too no loopholes at all until claire came home and saw the balloons on her roof -.- and we completely failed to light the tealights, thanks uh, Wind.
xiuyi's 19th... she was a little suspicious because her mum kept askin her to come home. (HAHAH CUZ I WAS WAITING AT HER PLACE WITH HER MUM!)
mel's was super impromptu too. but not bad i guess? she wasn't really suspicious when i told her i need to meet my brother, but instead i went to buy her bday cake and all.. shunya's made her wanted to cry haha.
wah ok. i am quite surprised i was involved in so many birthday surprises.
oh wells.
no plans for my birthday yet.
except for one: WISHLIST! (:
Saturday, February 21, 2009
hold on. be strong. say goodbye. i love you.
just cry without restrain, without the cares of how others would see me.
but i told myself i had to be strong - for my tears would upset her.
i still cannot believe that she's gone;
her last hug, last touch, last feel of her hair, last scent, still lingering.
her voice, her smile, her face, her dimples, still imprinted on my mind.
i still cannot believe that she's gone;
that i won't be seeing her until a year later.
a year later.
i still cannot believe that she's gone.
sometimes, goodbye, though it hurts in your heart is the only way for destiny.
sometimes, goodbye, though it hurts, is the only way now for you and me.
thought it's the hardest thing to say, i'll miss your love in every way.
so say goodbye, but don't you cry, cause true love never dies.
Say Goodbye - S Club 7
Saturday, February 14, 2009
so i sorta maybe kinda like you a little bit more than i originally planned

happy birthday to:
my dearestest bestie wong xiuyi;
my lao san sandra;
tiara herman far away in england
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - 坂Ryuichi Sakamoto本龍
if he's the first thing you look for when you walk into a room then he's gotta be more than just friends
and I don't know what to do, cause I'll never be with you.
i never used to be jealous, but then i started liking you. now i'm jealous of just about every girl that you talk to, smile at, or even wave at. it's all because in those seconds when you look in their eyes, i'm not the girl that's on your mind.
Friday, February 13, 2009
quartre centième
Monday, February 09, 2009
Sunday, February 08, 2009
just when u thought everything was over,
there's still Con B presentation.
just when u thought Con B presentation was over,
there's Blaw CA2.
just when u thought Blaw CA2 was over,
there's FEB CA3.
just when u thought FEB CA3 was over,
there's Dip. Plus Counselling Skills test.
just when you thought Dip. Plus Counselling Skills test was over,
there's Dip. Plus individual and group report.
just when you thought Dip. Plus individual group report was over,
there's EXAMS.
just when you thought Exams were over and it's time to partaye,
there's the gruelling attachment.
(i got attached to UniSoft Hi-Tech Pte Ltd with $440/month yeah hurrays. sense my saracasm.)
just when you thought the gruelling attachment is over,
it's year three.
it's just neverending.
no holidays.
i'm glad that you took this step.
you know you had to do it.
and i'm more than glad and willing to be there for you.
i wish i could be more.
now let's hope you are as brave too.
let's hope i am as brave too.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Thursday, February 05, 2009
rainbow for me (:

i like this alot
hahaha for no random reason. thanks darryl slut! =P
"this is mei mei, from Kaypo Channel"
dinner with xiuying, xiuying's fiancé, xiuyi, and xiuying/xiuying's fiancé's colleagues at Rochester Park's Graze restaurant. (Y)
finally the craze is OVER!
TGIF TGIF TGIF mannzxzx.
it has been a helluva crazy week.
saturday was project day at my place, AGAIN.
whole bloody saturday BURNT! supposed to go shopping can.
sunday was chionging all the projects, AGAIN.
all the way till monday 230am.
woke up at 630am. went to school at 8am for rehearsal.
10am HRM presentation.
12pm CONB report submission.
1pm FEB presentation.
530pm Dip.Plus presentation. lesson extended till 9pm somemore!
1030pm zzz.
tuesday, big fat hooha class drama.
lazy to elaborate here but, seriously.
i've finally met someone who fits: 为达目的,不择手段.
wednesday was spent doing blaw, chillax with baby m at raffles and shopping with bff!
during dinner time, xiuying called to ask xiuyi for dinner at Rochester Park, and i tagged along.
big fat (I) but nevermind la, hahaha. free dinner leh. wednesday was free meals day mienzxzx.
wanton mee from ah dick and dinner from xiuying. (Y)
all the dumplings. LOL!!
today, seriously marks the day of liberation!!
CONB presentation is over!! no more tolerating ridiculous nonsense from ******* and ****!
although i brain-freezed and fumbled for the presentation but HECK this project was doomed to be ruined right from the start.
9th feb monday: start of study week, Blaw CA2 submission, FEB Test.
10th feb tuesday: Dip. Plus#2 test.
13th feb friday: Dip. Plus #1 individual and group report submission.
after all that, it's EXAMS!!!
gosh freaking no time to study and all.
and WORST WORST WORST is no time to prepare Vday present, xy's bday present & xy's farewell present mienzxzx.
february 2009 sucks, big time.
baby m's right. life's amazing mann.
End of report submissions = start of project presentations
End of project presentations = start of exams
End of exams = start of attachment
End of attachment = start of year three
LG - life's good.
mothers and daughters piss each other off;
melissa and carmen crack themselves up.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
february has come
I sit alone thinking of you
and all the things we've both been through
You are my soul mate, my very best friend
and i know you'll be there until the end
Your shoulder to cry on will soon be gone
who will be there when something is wrong
when times are tough you're always there
It shows me just how much you care
Although we're going separate ways
you're in my heart every single day
nothing can make a person see
how special a friend you are to me
You understand a side of me
that no one else could ever see
you know whats wrong before i cry
but if I do, you'd always know why
We've been together through good and bad
you made me laugh when i was sad
and no one else could ever be
as good of a friend you are to me
Our time together is wilting away
more and more everyday
but now until the very end
you'll always be my special friend