rainbow for me (:

i like this alot
hahaha for no random reason. thanks darryl slut! =P
"this is mei mei, from Kaypo Channel"
dinner with xiuying, xiuying's fiancé, xiuyi, and xiuying/xiuying's fiancé's colleagues at Rochester Park's Graze restaurant. (Y)
finally the craze is OVER!
TGIF TGIF TGIF mannzxzx.
it has been a helluva crazy week.
saturday was project day at my place, AGAIN.
whole bloody saturday BURNT! supposed to go shopping can.
sunday was chionging all the projects, AGAIN.
all the way till monday 230am.
woke up at 630am. went to school at 8am for rehearsal.
10am HRM presentation.
12pm CONB report submission.
1pm FEB presentation.
530pm Dip.Plus presentation. lesson extended till 9pm somemore!
1030pm zzz.
tuesday, big fat hooha class drama.
lazy to elaborate here but, seriously.
i've finally met someone who fits: 为达目的,不择手段.
wednesday was spent doing blaw, chillax with baby m at raffles and shopping with bff!
during dinner time, xiuying called to ask xiuyi for dinner at Rochester Park, and i tagged along.
big fat (I) but nevermind la, hahaha. free dinner leh. wednesday was free meals day mienzxzx.
wanton mee from ah dick and dinner from xiuying. (Y)
all the dumplings. LOL!!
today, seriously marks the day of liberation!!
CONB presentation is over!! no more tolerating ridiculous nonsense from ******* and ****!
although i brain-freezed and fumbled for the presentation but HECK this project was doomed to be ruined right from the start.
9th feb monday: start of study week, Blaw CA2 submission, FEB Test.
10th feb tuesday: Dip. Plus#2 test.
13th feb friday: Dip. Plus #1 individual and group report submission.
after all that, it's EXAMS!!!
gosh freaking no time to study and all.
and WORST WORST WORST is no time to prepare Vday present, xy's bday present & xy's farewell present mienzxzx.
february 2009 sucks, big time.
baby m's right. life's amazing mann.
End of report submissions = start of project presentations
End of project presentations = start of exams
End of exams = start of attachment
End of attachment = start of year three
LG - life's good.
mothers and daughters piss each other off;
melissa and carmen crack themselves up.
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