Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
i'm sexcitingly eggcited
i have to say sorry to J.K Rowling & Harry Potter.
it breaks my heart to say this, and the fact that i'm a die-hard Harry Potter fan makes it even more difficult, but i still have to agree with USA weekly, "move over, Harry Potter."
Stephenie Meyer beats J.K Rowling hands down with her Twilight Saga.
"alright! i guess it's brunch and then Con B now."
but no, i had to dig my bag for my notes and TADA!
the half-watched Step Up from yesterday appears and pulls my attention away from Con B.
so i ate my home-cooked Swedish meatballs & watched Step Up, thinking since i'm already half-through it, i wont take long.
and den...
The Holiday had to tempt me after i finished Step Up.
oh wells, what can i say but this:

GOOD LUCK to everyone for Con B tmr! ((:
i'm so eggcited about this:
Serangoon Central to get mega shopping mall
$1.3b centre, about twice the size of suburban malls here, is expected to be completed by 2010
IT IS full steam ahead for a $1.3 billion mega shopping mall being built at Serangoon Central - in defiance of the current gloomy times
Designed as an eco-friendly mall, the yet-to-be-named mall will be set amidst lush garden enclaves and landscaped sky terraces.
Construction firm Low Keng Huat was yesterday awarded a $295 million contract to build the mall and the firm is grabbing the contract with both hands.
Its chief financial officer, Mr Chin Yeok Yuen, said private contracts of such a scale are ‘hard to come by’ these days as many developers have delayed projects in light of the slowdown.
Developer Gold Ridge, a special purpose vehicle made up of mainly institutional investors from the United States and Europe, is confident of the project’s long-term success.
Ms Victoria Sharpe, the chief executive of Pramerica Real Estate Investors (Asia) which is advising the investors, said the mall has tremendous potential to be developed into an iconic retail centre serving Singapore’s north-east.
It is also strategically located in the heart of Serangoon with its large residential population and numerous schools.
The yet-to-be-named six-storey mall - which sits above Serangoon MRT station and the upcoming Serangoon Circle Line station - will be integrated with the stations and a new bus interchange.
It will boast a 24-hour zone with shops, food and beverage outlets, a 10-screen cineplex, a 60,000 sq ft hypermarket and a 10,000 sq ft gourmet supermarket. Also, SAA Architects has conceptualised a ‘green necklace’ along the exterior of the eco-friendly building. This involves a series of lush green spaces. There will also be a landscaped sky terrace and an internal roof garden.
A new 16-bay bus interchange will take up part of the mall’s ground floor. The mall will have a total net lettable area of slightly more than 618,000 sq ft. That will make it bigger than Ang Mo Kio Hub, a suburban mall that is also linked to a bus interchange and an MRT station.
‘Suburban malls are usually about 300,000 to 400,000 sq ft in size. This one is big and will be more exciting as it can accommodate more concepts, activities and experiences,’ said property consultancy Knight Frank’s head of retail, Ms Sherene Sng.
Gold Ridge plans to include a department store that may occupy up to 60,000 sq ft, as well as a 500-seat food court. There will be more than 400 specialty shops. The firm is investing $1.3 billion, including land cost, in the project. It had successfully tendered for the site in March this year, with a bid of $800.9 million or $850 per sq ft per plot ratio.
The existing shopping centre portfolio of Pramerica Real Estate Investors (Asia) includes Tiong Bahru Plaza, Century Square and upcoming Tampines 1.
The weak economic outlook is expected to hit retail sales but suburban malls with high traffic may fare better than some prime downtown malls. Said Ms Sng: ‘Suburban mall rents will remain fairly resilient, going ahead. If they were to fall, the decline will not be as great as the fall in rents in prime areas.’
Builder Low Keng Huat yesterday said it had been awarded the construction contract for Serangoon Central Mall, which comprises the mall and bus interchange. The project is expected to be completed by October 2010.
The total value of the firm’s ongoing construction projects, including Serangoon Central mall, is about $900 million as of yesterday, it said in its statement.
Guthrie Consultancy Services is the project manager, retail consultant and marketing manager for the mall. The mall will eventually be held by two or possibly several funds managed by Pramerica.
WHAT’S planned for the mall:
More than 400 specialty shops
A 10-screen cineplex A hypermarket, a gourmet supermarket and a department store
A 500-seat food court
A 24-hour zone with shops as well as food and beverage outlets
A new 16-bay bus interchange will take up a portion of the ground floor of the shopping centre
Source : Straits Times - 26 Nov 2008
Huge mall coming up at Serangoon Central
THE sleepy Serangoon district is getting a spanking new feature - a 55,740-sq-m mall to be located at Serangoon Central.
At a ground-breaking ceremony yesterday, developer Gold Ridge said the $1.3-billion mall is slated for completion in 2010.
It will be the centre of an integrated transport hub.
Mr Michael Leong, executive director of Guthrie Consultancy Services, which manages retail development at Serangoon Central, told my paper: "The north-east zone lacks a mall of such size that offers a comprehensive range of services."
The six-storey mall will be about 50 per cent bigger than Plaza Singapura. It will feature a 24-hour retail and food-and beverage zone. It will also have eco-friendly features, such as a landscaped sky terrace.
50% bigger than Plaza Singapura!!
10 screen cineplex!! (I HOPE AND PRAY WITH ALL MY MIGHT it's Cathay. i ♥ Cathay, but i guess GV wouldn't be too bad either.)
i hope the shopping would rock and shake my world.
it sounds so... too-good-to-be-true.
i cant tell u how sexcitingly eggcited i am about this. (:
Monday, November 24, 2008
your heart, my heart
i carry it in my heart
i am never without it
anywhere i go you go,my dear;
and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling
i fear no fate
for you are my fate,my sweet
i want no world
for beautiful you are my world,my true
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;
which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart
i carry it in my heart
nothing constructive done at all for the entire weekend.
skipped school on friday.
mummy's best friend's husband's 70th birthday dinner at Peach Garden at night.
big bro & family went as well.
Kynan was (is) so adorable!
when my da sao held the shutter of her canon, this orange light would flash.
whenever this orange light flashed, Kynan would start posing for the camera!
it's like the orange light is his cue! HAHA.
damn adorable la.
finished eclipse after the dinner till wee hours.
watched In Her Shoes and She's the Man next.
Madagascar at night.
read half-way through breaking dawn, (till p.400. the book has 741pages.)
watched Madagascar, High School Musical 1 & 2.
i watched High School Musical 3 today during HRM and FEB tutorial.
continued when i reached home..
ditched Dip. P (as melissa so conveniently calls it) because Alastair, Russell, Yan Ting, Yan Ling & Jun Xian were all skipping it for being sick.
and me, after sneezing a million times and having to blow my nose the entire day, decided to ditch Dip. P too after informing Mr. Ng.
fidgety fidgety fidgety.
i should get down to homework and revision soon.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
my huckleberry friend
just after school today, i had this surge of emotions running through me.
thoughts were reeling in my brain faster than i could catch a glimpse of them, let alone comprehend them.
i was literally typing a blog post within my personal gray matter.
but now, the train of thoughts disappeared and no neurons or synapses could help me retrieve them.
i was trying very hard to understand what i was feeling and why i was feeling this way.
but now,
everything is cleanly forgotten.
i guess tomorrow when i go back to school, everything would just surge back without warning.
and i'd have to try very hard to restrain myself from lapsing into a bout of bad mood...
the imbalanced oestrogen aren't helping either.
Moon River, wider than a mile,
I'm crossing you in style some day.
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker,
wherever you're going I'm going your way.
Two drifters off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world to see.
We're after the same rainbow's end--
waiting 'round the bend,
my huckleberry friend,
Moon River and me.
my alarm for school (:
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Holly Golightly Lula Mae Paul Varjak Bridget Jones Mark Darcy
i'm watching Save the Last Dance 2.
i bumped into melissa on the train today, who was tgt with huiwen & sharon.
con b lecture aft that.
ate in school.
headed to library intending to do our GEMs project, but we ended up browsing the music CDs & DVDs section.
and then...
we decided to borrow DVDs and crash my place!
headed to Vivo's Giant to buy junk food first.
then it's cooking mac & cheese at my place.
den it's Breakfast at Tiffany's followed by Bridget Jones' Diary, before we actually got down to doing the report. (melissa-the-annoying-irritating-bitchy-lao-ah-ma-who-falls-asleep-anytime-anywhere-except-on-public-transportations didn't help & contribute much lorzxzx. annoy & irritate me alot though.)
super lots of nonsense things happened. wanted to quote them but i cant remember.
Monday, November 17, 2008
那次受傷 否決了愛的好
謝謝你的關照 我一切都好
一個人 不算困擾
愛雖然很美妙 卻不能為了寂寞
愛要耐心等待 仔細尋找 感覺很重要
寧可空白了手 等候一次 真心的擁抱
我相信在〔這個〕世界上 一定會遇到
那次流過的淚 讓我學習到
如何祝福 如何轉身不要
在眼淚體會到 與自己擁抱
愛不是一種需要 是一種對照
當我想清楚的時候 我就算已經準備好
放手去愛 海闊天高
recently, the topic of relationship kept revolving.
someone asked me a question yesterday.
and well, i guess this song is the answer to everything.
someone asked me a question the other day. (a rather funny one, i'd say.)
well, i dont know! i guess all the "abnormal" people just like it that way.
while "normal" people like us aren't that desperate?
for so many things.
you've no idea the torture it brings along with it.
i'm so glad i dont have to wait anymore for eclipse! YAY.
that's something off my waiting-list.
in the midst of reading my dear eclipse, CHAPTER ONE (only!!) ong clinton msned me.
oh natalie jocelyn and melissa same round as you. so qiao!
׀[ c a r m e n ]׀ ☆ that thing you do (afk) auto-message: nudge me to talk
׀[ c a r m e n ]׀ ☆ that thing you do (afk) says:
׀[ c a r m e n ]׀ ☆ that thing you do (afk) says:
what so qiao!
׀[ c a r m e n ]׀ ☆ that thing you do (afk) says:
i thot we same grp?
׀[ c a r m e n ]׀ ☆ that thing you do (afk) says:
we signed up for individual meh
yep individual!
sign up as group but compete as individual.
׀[ c a r m e n ]׀ ☆ that thing you do (afk) says:
׀[ c a r m e n ]׀ ☆ that thing you do (afk) says:
why like tt!
׀[ c a r m e n ]׀ ☆ that thing you do (afk) says:
i thot is like grp against grp
׀[ c a r m e n ]׀ ☆ that thing you do (afk) says:
׀[ c a r m e n ]׀ ☆ that thing you do (afk) says:
so annoying.
my heart did a somersault and bungeejump before returning back to me.
omg FOOD IMPLOSION on tuesday!
scared sia.
tell me why did we join this shit again?
Sunday, November 09, 2008
La Tentation,
La Hesitation,
La Révélation.
La Hesitation hurry ship to singapore please! (okayyy, no wonder eclipse is taking FOREVER to get shipped to singapore. hesitation! omg.)
something random...
KOK@moleycules.SL3JM said:
i was in far east, and i saw dis shopkeeeeper, SHE LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE U I ALMOST HAD HEART ATTACK
oh, and i did some homework.
c'mon. cheer for me! ((: