updates updates!
oh i'm so spoilt for choice!
went TV-huntin for my room! i'm so psyched because i thought my mum has already decided that TV should be banned from my room.
but now that my brother took my old tv away, she suddenly decides to get me a new tv!
LCD flat screen & to be mounted on the wall to save space! (:
but i'm so spoilt for choice though. -pouts-
we havent exactly decided on one but the most likely choice would be Sharp. (but i really absolutely LOVE the new Samsung TV that's like, whoosh! blows me over!)
this is the 20" Sharp TV ..but i'm not eyeing for this model lar, we're eyeing for another similar & cheaper one..
this is my darling Samsung TV! it's all shiny white with a red trimming underneath (although it looks more like black than red in the photo) it TOTALLY suits my room! (:
see? my room has one RED wall (although it looks orange, i dont know why. must be Jia Xin's phone cuz this picture was taken and done by her) and i have retro light & retro curtain! -beams-
that TV TOTALLY suits my room but DANG it's 26", far TOO BIG for my room cuz i only need a 20"-23". -wails-
why cant they make a 20" one?! why oh WHY?
anyway, random photos to update.
the friday before CNY, this two indian men came & bought a whooping $1500 worth of clothings from us! definitely kept us busy for quite long! the entire counter was piled with loads of clothes!
bouquet of flowers sent to the store on Vday by my monk (:
(this one looks bright & cheery)
while this looks so romantic & dreamy~
today's my off day! & nonetheless, SHOPPING DAY! (: ooh. i love this from Zara.
and this too! (:
matching tops from Puma! (:
okay, i admit we kinda look silly but cute. haha.
me & monk's short reunion after his booking out.
oh. and i think puma's REAL SILLY to make two such HUMONGOUS fitting room. it's an utter waste of space and land resource!!! the two fitting room combined can easily fit in five to six standard sized fitting rooms! -rolls eyes-
oh. and updates about work.
- yati left already :(
20th feb was her last day & tiffany, bernard & i shared a card and a cake for her. the weird thing is she's back to work today! but, only as a part timer... how saddening.
- since yati left, i'm officially the in-charge for the bossini kid's counter. okay, i wonder if only vertically challenged people are fit to be in-charge at the kid's counter?! bahhh.
- i under-charged customer!!! oh no. i was actually so proud i hadn't undercharged customers yet. but ever since Albert came (ns#1), he first undercharged, den Yati, den him again, den it's me! twice in three days! ohmyholymothercow. on 20th. i undercharged $2.10 and den 22nd, i undercharged $3.80. i'm darn sad.
what else can i say besides Albert's a jinx? because before he came, yati & i NEVER undercharged AT ALL. damn you!
- i officially ruined my high EQ level image by screamin at Albert last night.
this was what happened:
i came down from the kid's counter, feeling utterly depressed & wondering what YK (my ultra biased-towards-males-second-in-charge) would say to piss me off. and he, Albert whatever (i cant be bothered to note his surname even) actually dared say, "eh, you're back! okay you go clean the mirror"
(and i wonder how many times must i ask the "who-the-hell-is-he-to..." question a day.)
so i just blatantly ignored him & went to help tidy up the shop floor until YK asked me to key in the memos from Isetan.
and when i'm done, i had to do closing, which involves loads of calculating & sorta mathematical formulas to do the calculations.
i.e. ASPT=average sales per transaction (sales/no. of memos or receipts)
all these kinda shit. but i kinda enjoy it cuz it means i dont need to do vacuuming/mopping/folding/cleaning mirror/wiping shelvings.
shah was also doing closing which involves all that calculating & counting money & more complicated matters because it involves all the nets payment & credit cards blah.
so we were really busy at the counter, but hell, Albert doesn't understands all this and he sashays over with the vacuum. den said "where's the sales record book? i want to calculate my personal sales", just because the last customer he served spent a total of near $300.
anxious that he was, we understand because it's so exciting to hit personal sales target since it's rather tough to hit.. but can he judge what's more important first?
no he cant.
and can he see that our counter is already so crammed?
no he cant and insists in squeezing in with us & depriving us of space and air.
and can he understand that he should do vacuuming first because it takes very long?
no he cant.
he's such a childish brat!
and the worst thing is shah and i were nicely telling him to go vacuum first, he can calculate it later, but he doesnt listen.
den YK did the most disgusting thing that is CHILD TALK. i admit he does have the mentality of a child but hey, you know if it were me or tiffany or probably shah, (i used probably cuz shah's a GUY. afterall, sexuality is all that matters to YK. so shah probably wouldn't have kena-ed although her favouritism towards him is dying) we would have received her stern & serious tone preaching.
and i dont know what's gotten into me.
just seeing this spoilt stupid brat here hindering everyone right in front of me raised my blood temperature to a boiling 100dgc.
i could literally feel my entire body growing hot with anger and temperature rising and heart thumping hard.
i didnt even flinch.
i didnt even felt embarrass.
or like feel like hiding myself cuz i said something horrendous.
and he just carried on counting his bloody PERSONAL SALES TARGET as though nothing happened.
what a thick-skinned idiot.
and whatever. shant bother bout him anymore.
anyway, i wished we could have videotaped down last night. HA!
partly because i cannot believe i actually removed this mask of me.
this mask that i preserved & maintained for so long..no matter how angry i am with that person, i never confronted them. (mostly. if i dislike that person to my limit, i basically ignore them & treat them as invisible & as though i dont know them & what they do has nothing to do with me & i dont care if they know i dont like them or not)
but i actually tore my mask off last night and confronted my feelings to Albert. (ee. this sounds wrong. like i confessed i like him or something. UGH!)
rather proud of myself. and the next i would confront would be YK!
although it's abit harder. but oh wells. i'll try!
and partly because shah and i demonstrated such flawless teamwork we completed closing & cleaning all the mirrors (six) within a record time.
i dont know the record time.
haha. but it just felt really fast we accomplished so many things.
that'll show them! stupid albert and yk... teamwork's EVERYTHING!
i'm sleepy. breakfast with monk tmr! (:
went TV-huntin for my room! i'm so psyched because i thought my mum has already decided that TV should be banned from my room.
but now that my brother took my old tv away, she suddenly decides to get me a new tv!
LCD flat screen & to be mounted on the wall to save space! (:
but i'm so spoilt for choice though. -pouts-
we havent exactly decided on one but the most likely choice would be Sharp. (but i really absolutely LOVE the new Samsung TV that's like, whoosh! blows me over!)

that TV TOTALLY suits my room but DANG it's 26", far TOO BIG for my room cuz i only need a 20"-23". -wails-
why cant they make a 20" one?! why oh WHY?
anyway, random photos to update.
when i knocked off, which was minutes later, i saw them in Giordano and i also happen to see Giordano's counter buried with a tower of clothes! rich people from i dont know where... silicon valley?)
(this one looks bright & cheery)
me & monk's short reunion after his booking out.
oh. and i think puma's REAL SILLY to make two such HUMONGOUS fitting room. it's an utter waste of space and land resource!!! the two fitting room combined can easily fit in five to six standard sized fitting rooms! -rolls eyes-
oh. and updates about work.
- yati left already :(
20th feb was her last day & tiffany, bernard & i shared a card and a cake for her. the weird thing is she's back to work today! but, only as a part timer... how saddening.
- since yati left, i'm officially the in-charge for the bossini kid's counter. okay, i wonder if only vertically challenged people are fit to be in-charge at the kid's counter?! bahhh.
- i under-charged customer!!! oh no. i was actually so proud i hadn't undercharged customers yet. but ever since Albert came (ns#1), he first undercharged, den Yati, den him again, den it's me! twice in three days! ohmyholymothercow. on 20th. i undercharged $2.10 and den 22nd, i undercharged $3.80. i'm darn sad.
what else can i say besides Albert's a jinx? because before he came, yati & i NEVER undercharged AT ALL. damn you!
- i officially ruined my high EQ level image by screamin at Albert last night.
this was what happened:
i came down from the kid's counter, feeling utterly depressed & wondering what YK (my ultra biased-towards-males-second-in-charge) would say to piss me off. and he, Albert whatever (i cant be bothered to note his surname even) actually dared say, "eh, you're back! okay you go clean the mirror"
(and i wonder how many times must i ask the "who-the-hell-is-he-to..." question a day.)
so i just blatantly ignored him & went to help tidy up the shop floor until YK asked me to key in the memos from Isetan.
and when i'm done, i had to do closing, which involves loads of calculating & sorta mathematical formulas to do the calculations.
i.e. ASPT=average sales per transaction (sales/no. of memos or receipts)
all these kinda shit. but i kinda enjoy it cuz it means i dont need to do vacuuming/mopping/folding/cleaning mirror/wiping shelvings.
shah was also doing closing which involves all that calculating & counting money & more complicated matters because it involves all the nets payment & credit cards blah.
so we were really busy at the counter, but hell, Albert doesn't understands all this and he sashays over with the vacuum. den said "where's the sales record book? i want to calculate my personal sales", just because the last customer he served spent a total of near $300.
anxious that he was, we understand because it's so exciting to hit personal sales target since it's rather tough to hit.. but can he judge what's more important first?
no he cant.
and can he see that our counter is already so crammed?
no he cant and insists in squeezing in with us & depriving us of space and air.
and can he understand that he should do vacuuming first because it takes very long?
no he cant.
he's such a childish brat!
and the worst thing is shah and i were nicely telling him to go vacuum first, he can calculate it later, but he doesnt listen.
den YK did the most disgusting thing that is CHILD TALK. i admit he does have the mentality of a child but hey, you know if it were me or tiffany or probably shah, (i used probably cuz shah's a GUY. afterall, sexuality is all that matters to YK. so shah probably wouldn't have kena-ed although her favouritism towards him is dying) we would have received her stern & serious tone preaching.
and i dont know what's gotten into me.
just seeing this spoilt stupid brat here hindering everyone right in front of me raised my blood temperature to a boiling 100dgc.
i could literally feel my entire body growing hot with anger and temperature rising and heart thumping hard.
i didnt even flinch.
i didnt even felt embarrass.
or like feel like hiding myself cuz i said something horrendous.
and he just carried on counting his bloody PERSONAL SALES TARGET as though nothing happened.
what a thick-skinned idiot.
and whatever. shant bother bout him anymore.
anyway, i wished we could have videotaped down last night. HA!
partly because i cannot believe i actually removed this mask of me.
this mask that i preserved & maintained for so long..no matter how angry i am with that person, i never confronted them. (mostly. if i dislike that person to my limit, i basically ignore them & treat them as invisible & as though i dont know them & what they do has nothing to do with me & i dont care if they know i dont like them or not)
but i actually tore my mask off last night and confronted my feelings to Albert. (ee. this sounds wrong. like i confessed i like him or something. UGH!)
rather proud of myself. and the next i would confront would be YK!
although it's abit harder. but oh wells. i'll try!
and partly because shah and i demonstrated such flawless teamwork we completed closing & cleaning all the mirrors (six) within a record time.
i dont know the record time.
haha. but it just felt really fast we accomplished so many things.
that'll show them! stupid albert and yk... teamwork's EVERYTHING!
i'm sleepy. breakfast with monk tmr! (: