a very heartwarming christmas (:
on Christmas Eve's Eve, i had a very very sinful and expensive lunch at Marche with monk..
i'm sorry i threw a tantrum because i was very frustrated with work.
everything just doesn't seem to go smoothly for me and i find work very frustrating and irritating chore!
following on, i spent a wonderful evening with two of my most beloved treasures:
Chloe Tan and Clarissa Khoo.
i'm so so so so so super sorry girls.
especially to chloe, who waited for me for 3.5hours.
and to clarissa, who waited for me for 1.5hours.
SORRY GIRLS. it's not me, it's the stupid big fish's fault. if he hadnt asked me to wait for him till 630, i wouldnt have to do setup (at 645) for the customer i sold a laptop to before him, and if i didn't have to do the setup for the customer (surnaryo is his name i think..) den i wouldn't have to do recovery for him because the C****** people didn't blablabla (i don't think i can expose the dirty things here.. yup.) and so i wouldn't have to OT till 730 when i was supposed to leave at 6pm to meet the girls for dinner.
we had dinner at Food Republic's Pu Tian. yum yum yummilicious (:
Chloe's cravings for noodles was very very well satisfied as she licked the bowl to the very last drop of the noodles' gravy.
and it was Chloe Tan's treat! because she won some competition in rock climb and won herself $250! heh heh heh.
Clarissa and I paid for the sundae at Ben & Jerry's later..
i had a really really good and hearwarming time with my lovely girls.
i didn't bring my camera so i used monk's and the camera's now back with him, so i'd have to wait for him to upload them and send me before i can upload them here. heehee.
at Pu Tian's :

at B&J's:

i have the most spasticated face ever! i honestly think it's the most spasticated picture i've ever taken in 2007.
Dark Chocolate specially ordered from online. (it's not available in Singapore)
i gave it as Xmas goodies to some close friends (:

introducing my BUS BAG! (sponsored by dear monk for 1year6months anniversary present cum xmas gift cuz the price is... woohoo!)

yay. so far 3 or more people has approached me and asked me where i bought it cuz it's so cute and unique.
on Chrismas Eve, i spent my day with another 3 lovely people:
Doris, Rachel and my bestest bestie in the whole wide world, Wong Xiu Yi!
went to renew my passport with mummy earlier and who knew the whole process was very fast:
all we had to do was fill in the application form, glue our photo on the form and drop it into a box and come collect it on 31/12
so we headed to bugis to walk around a little and mummy went to bai bai at the temple while i continued window shopping aimlessly, not really registering anything.
met rachel and doris at 2pm at orchard mrt.
walked to far east and had lunch at Esteler77..
poor Doris.. bullied by me and i think her lips, tongue, throat, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, big intestine all burnt by the spicy fried noodles.
and we had a fun time laughing at all the funny things she try to do to make the noodles "less spicy"
went shopping after a very hearty spicy lunch (i wasn't very satisfied with the chicken curry. BLEH. and craved for Chippy's cheesy curry chicken) more of like, SHOE SHOPPING. hahaha.
met up with xiuyi at Mondo and continued shopping around, chit-chatting.
had Chippy's cheesy curry chicken and then we continued shopping awhile more at Far East and Rachel had to go..
Doris, Xiu Yi and I then headed to Wisma Atria. (actually i wanted to go Tangs to see nice shoes but Tangs closed at 5pm)
we had a maniac time at Forever21 and Cotton On, i think Doris got very sick of hearing, "Doris, your favourite colour!" (inside joke)
funny pictures:
(will be up later)
my stupid SD card screwed up so i lost the pictures.
then we headed The Face Shop! and had a mad time trying almost the entire range of nail polish!
i tried 15 nail colours i think, cuz i had to remove nail polish off my left hand's finger nails thrice..
Xiu Yi tried 10 or so i think...
i polished off 6nail polishes. Xiu Yi polished off 3, while Doris polished off 1.
then we had fun trying the different nice eye shadows and choosing a suitable one for Doris...
and then trying on the different lip gloss, lip stick and lip liner. (I SO DO NOT SUIT NUDE COLOUR *boohoo*)
Doris bought a base and a pimple cream thingy and a eye shadow. so we paid together to get the membership card! and as Doris paid the most, she's the member yay. and i've got the "supplementary" card.
after which, Doris left to meet Zhuang Yuan, while Xiu Yi and I continued the festive shopping at Wisma.
there's this pair of shoes that i REALLY love from SCHU! it's $46.90 and it's really lovely.
Xiu Yi says it's very very nice on me and suits my skin tone! (dang. my bestie has very superb taste so i trust her. i was so tempted but yet had to control myself *pouts* )
headed to Taka and we were stuck in Guess. there was a sale going on in Guess!
couldn't take my hands and eyes off this white denim skirt at 50% off. ):
and saw this really nice denim jeans for monk. and it's last 4pieces: 28,28,29,31.
quickly called him to ask him to head down to Taka while Xiu Yi and I continued to browse around, especially the shoes.
By then, my calves were already screamin (lucky i was wearing my M)phosis flat slippers!) and protesting.
Pull and Bear-ed and met monk. Wanted to eat at the Pasta restaurant but they said they're closing and already serving last orders.. So went to Pepper Lunch instead cuz Xiu Yi wanted to eat..
the creamy salmon pasta thingy looked super nice but OOS! so i had the Japanese Curry Chicken Pasta (CURRY CHICKEN AGAIN! OMG.)
around 10plus we headed back to Guess half-thinking that it was closed but it wasn't!
and so brought monk inside to try but their 31 was too baggy for him and 29 a tad tight.
so we left the deserted Taka at about 11 (by then the security people were already chasing us out) and we went literally against the flow back home.
managed to reach home at 1150. hahaha.
AW. Christmas Eve's night with the two very dear people in my heart made me feel very very contented (:
on Christmas Day! hectic busy day for me.
woke up at 10.. and lolled around at home because i was still in a state of haze as i slept around 3am... making lingling's present for the gift exchange...
started Xmas present wrapping at 11 while watching PowerPuff Girls gee.
i only finished at about 230...
hurry went to bathe and prepare and left house at about 4pm to meet monk at Paragon's Guess.
shopped there till about 6pm before finally making our purchases. (:
i spent a whopping $309.50 while he spent $290
hurried down to Bugis to meet the girls and i got very pissified. but skip that.
finally settled down at Indulgz Bistro and had our very first proper outing and proper meal outside school.
Sherilyn corroding my camera...
my delicious Lychee Martini. (i recommend small sips at a time as too big sip would be very bitter)
Our Christmas Gift Exchange!
starting from me, and my recipient is Yan Ling! (:
she loved the present and gave me a kiss. muahahaha.
i'm glad you liked it.
shun ya's next and the recipient is dydy! (dydy's cramped face came from the fact that yaya used a BUTTERFLY wrapper. hahaha)
Jia Xuan's next as Sandra last minute had to OT and couldn't make it for dinner.
yaya likes the necklace (:
YanLing's next and her recipient's XuanXuan! (i forgot what's the gift LOL)
but can tell from her pretty smiling face she likes it.
Audrey's recipient is Sherilyn! and it was a cup that you can play tic tac toe on with a CHALK and a cute little necklace.
Sheri likes them too!
Idy's recipient, Audrey.
Needless to say, Audrey LOVED the bag. hahaha.
Sheri's milk carbonara pasta thingy. nice but a tad too bland.
Me & Ling's Chef's Crispy Pasta.
my second time having it and we absolutely love it! don't we?
yaya and sheri were scooping our sauce to add to their own pasta!
dydy and yaya's Linguine Marinara with mussels.
Sheri in Action...
TADA! she managed to tie the cherry's thingy into a knot with her tongue. (but it took VWEH long...)
LingLing and Me
Audrey and Me.
Audrey and Me take 2. (can tell she's a little red frm the drink no?)
XuanXuan and Me.
DyDy and Me.
YaYa and Me.
this looks so wrong. hahaha.
they requested for take 2.
and more...
this looks SUPER WRONG.
Sherilyn and Me.
LingLing and Audrey.
the Cancer girls.
Audrey and Idy.
everyone busy taking pictures, i got nothing to do, so...
lala. the Chrismas tree has a very compatible height with me!
XuanXuan and LingLing by the Xmas Tree.
XuanXuan and LingLing again.
XuanXuan and DyDy.
XuanXuan and Audrey.
Audrey and Me. (no flash is definitely so much better. and taking photo yourself. your ownself is the best photographer. hahaha. i think the only person i can entrust the phototaking task besides myself is Sherilyn and no one else. they are horrid at helping people take photos.)
XuanXuan and Me.
XuanXuan and Me take 2 (:
YaYa and Me.
LingLing and Me.
DyDy and Me. (i was so scared my hair would catch fire)
Sheri and Me.
awww. sho shweet.
everyone machiam like treat Indulgz like their own place. like we OWN it...
taking photos everywhere...
finalleh, group photo!
and another one. LOVELY (:
couldn't find a place to have a drink, so we headed to Starbucks (at around 930 although we left Indulgz at 830 or so..), much to the alcoholics' discontent. hahaha.
COMPROMISE ok people.
my Chocolate Cream Chip Frappuchino.
Sandra finally arrived! and her present's from Sherilyn! (:
she liked it alot (the scarf/shawl or whatever she's wearing in the later pictures)
my present from Sandra!
i like it too! yay. i own Eiffel tower now mmmuahaha and i have another new poket mirror.
(taken by yaya... not very complimenting.)
"Spider-Jing" and "Fox-Jing"
(see? Sheri takes good pictures hahaha)
Sandra and DyDy
Sandra and XuanXuan
Sandra and XuanXuan take 2. (Xuan and Audrey likes to "take again")
LingLing and Sandra.
and finally, another long-awaited family portrait.
we love us! *hearts*
after the grand Finale of the family portrait, cabbed down to Claire's place at Tanah Merah, to find Eugene and Chloe stoning in Claire's rooftop.
Aunty Angie and Aunty-whatever ( i can't remember the maid's name) were very welcoming (:
exchanged greetings and we just chit chatted... while waiting for HuiPing's msg.
She was having waffle with Claire at Siglap and she'd cab down while Claire bus home not knowing anything.
and when HuiPing reaches, Eugene will be waiting for Claire at her bus-stop (this part was planned, as in Claire and Eugene planned to meet initially)
then Chloe, HuiPing and I will light up the candles and when we're done we'll sms Eugene so he'd bring Claire home from the park nearby.
everything went as planned, except that Claire saw the balloons from downstairs!
when she came upstairs, i heard her saying "what's up there? i'm very scared you know.."
only HuiPing was visible when Claire reached cuz she was holding the cake, and when she came nearer Chloe and I added on to the surprise by jumping out on her.
our very failed path that leads to a "Happy B'day" candles...
Claire's house has very merciless wind. SO IRRITATING.
with the lights on...
see? like more than half the candles went out already...
poor Chloe tried to re-light the thing but they just keep going out due to the wind and the candles itself.
my muscle woman. (she kept whacking me the whole time we were waiting for HuiPing! and she's so muscular now it hurts very bad!)
another try.. this time slightly better. haha. before this shot, the balloon right above the "Y" from "B'day" burst and a whole lot of candles went off again! i knew it lor!
balloons so near to candles... sure burst.
a very satisfied and happy Claire with Chewy Juniors that i bought.
i shall wait for her to be back from Hong Kong to get the pictures from her SONY T70.
and monk's Sony whatever camera also.
hmph. NO FAIR. i shall get a Sony camera also.
am eyeing on the Sony T200.
yayness. can't wait (:
on Christmas Eve's Eve, i had a very very sinful and expensive lunch at Marche with monk..
i'm sorry i threw a tantrum because i was very frustrated with work.
everything just doesn't seem to go smoothly for me and i find work very frustrating and irritating chore!
following on, i spent a wonderful evening with two of my most beloved treasures:
Chloe Tan and Clarissa Khoo.
i'm so so so so so super sorry girls.
especially to chloe, who waited for me for 3.5hours.
and to clarissa, who waited for me for 1.5hours.
SORRY GIRLS. it's not me, it's the stupid big fish's fault. if he hadnt asked me to wait for him till 630, i wouldnt have to do setup (at 645) for the customer i sold a laptop to before him, and if i didn't have to do the setup for the customer (surnaryo is his name i think..) den i wouldn't have to do recovery for him because the C****** people didn't blablabla (i don't think i can expose the dirty things here.. yup.) and so i wouldn't have to OT till 730 when i was supposed to leave at 6pm to meet the girls for dinner.
we had dinner at Food Republic's Pu Tian. yum yum yummilicious (:
Chloe's cravings for noodles was very very well satisfied as she licked the bowl to the very last drop of the noodles' gravy.
and it was Chloe Tan's treat! because she won some competition in rock climb and won herself $250! heh heh heh.
Clarissa and I paid for the sundae at Ben & Jerry's later..
i had a really really good and hearwarming time with my lovely girls.
i didn't bring my camera so i used monk's and the camera's now back with him, so i'd have to wait for him to upload them and send me before i can upload them here. heehee.
at Pu Tian's :
at B&J's:
i gave it as Xmas goodies to some close friends (:
introducing my BUS BAG! (sponsored by dear monk for 1year6months anniversary present cum xmas gift cuz the price is... woohoo!)
yay. so far 3 or more people has approached me and asked me where i bought it cuz it's so cute and unique.
on Chrismas Eve, i spent my day with another 3 lovely people:
Doris, Rachel and my bestest bestie in the whole wide world, Wong Xiu Yi!
went to renew my passport with mummy earlier and who knew the whole process was very fast:
all we had to do was fill in the application form, glue our photo on the form and drop it into a box and come collect it on 31/12
so we headed to bugis to walk around a little and mummy went to bai bai at the temple while i continued window shopping aimlessly, not really registering anything.
met rachel and doris at 2pm at orchard mrt.
walked to far east and had lunch at Esteler77..
poor Doris.. bullied by me and i think her lips, tongue, throat, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, big intestine all burnt by the spicy fried noodles.
and we had a fun time laughing at all the funny things she try to do to make the noodles "less spicy"
went shopping after a very hearty spicy lunch (i wasn't very satisfied with the chicken curry. BLEH. and craved for Chippy's cheesy curry chicken) more of like, SHOE SHOPPING. hahaha.
met up with xiuyi at Mondo and continued shopping around, chit-chatting.
had Chippy's cheesy curry chicken and then we continued shopping awhile more at Far East and Rachel had to go..
Doris, Xiu Yi and I then headed to Wisma Atria. (actually i wanted to go Tangs to see nice shoes but Tangs closed at 5pm)
we had a maniac time at Forever21 and Cotton On, i think Doris got very sick of hearing, "Doris, your favourite colour!" (inside joke)
funny pictures:
my stupid SD card screwed up so i lost the pictures.
then we headed The Face Shop! and had a mad time trying almost the entire range of nail polish!
i tried 15 nail colours i think, cuz i had to remove nail polish off my left hand's finger nails thrice..
Xiu Yi tried 10 or so i think...
i polished off 6nail polishes. Xiu Yi polished off 3, while Doris polished off 1.
then we had fun trying the different nice eye shadows and choosing a suitable one for Doris...
and then trying on the different lip gloss, lip stick and lip liner. (I SO DO NOT SUIT NUDE COLOUR *boohoo*)
Doris bought a base and a pimple cream thingy and a eye shadow. so we paid together to get the membership card! and as Doris paid the most, she's the member yay. and i've got the "supplementary" card.
after which, Doris left to meet Zhuang Yuan, while Xiu Yi and I continued the festive shopping at Wisma.
there's this pair of shoes that i REALLY love from SCHU! it's $46.90 and it's really lovely.
Xiu Yi says it's very very nice on me and suits my skin tone! (dang. my bestie has very superb taste so i trust her. i was so tempted but yet had to control myself *pouts* )
headed to Taka and we were stuck in Guess. there was a sale going on in Guess!
couldn't take my hands and eyes off this white denim skirt at 50% off. ):
and saw this really nice denim jeans for monk. and it's last 4pieces: 28,28,29,31.
quickly called him to ask him to head down to Taka while Xiu Yi and I continued to browse around, especially the shoes.
By then, my calves were already screamin (lucky i was wearing my M)phosis flat slippers!) and protesting.
Pull and Bear-ed and met monk. Wanted to eat at the Pasta restaurant but they said they're closing and already serving last orders.. So went to Pepper Lunch instead cuz Xiu Yi wanted to eat..
the creamy salmon pasta thingy looked super nice but OOS! so i had the Japanese Curry Chicken Pasta (CURRY CHICKEN AGAIN! OMG.)
around 10plus we headed back to Guess half-thinking that it was closed but it wasn't!
and so brought monk inside to try but their 31 was too baggy for him and 29 a tad tight.
so we left the deserted Taka at about 11 (by then the security people were already chasing us out) and we went literally against the flow back home.
managed to reach home at 1150. hahaha.
AW. Christmas Eve's night with the two very dear people in my heart made me feel very very contented (:
on Christmas Day! hectic busy day for me.
woke up at 10.. and lolled around at home because i was still in a state of haze as i slept around 3am... making lingling's present for the gift exchange...
started Xmas present wrapping at 11 while watching PowerPuff Girls gee.
i only finished at about 230...
hurry went to bathe and prepare and left house at about 4pm to meet monk at Paragon's Guess.
shopped there till about 6pm before finally making our purchases. (:
i spent a whopping $309.50 while he spent $290
hurried down to Bugis to meet the girls and i got very pissified. but skip that.
finally settled down at Indulgz Bistro and had our very first proper outing and proper meal outside school.
she loved the present and gave me a kiss. muahahaha.
i'm glad you liked it.
yaya likes the necklace (:
but can tell from her pretty smiling face she likes it.
Sheri likes them too!
Needless to say, Audrey LOVED the bag. hahaha.
my second time having it and we absolutely love it! don't we?
yaya and sheri were scooping our sauce to add to their own pasta!
and more...
couldn't find a place to have a drink, so we headed to Starbucks (at around 930 although we left Indulgz at 830 or so..), much to the alcoholics' discontent. hahaha.
COMPROMISE ok people.
she liked it alot (the scarf/shawl or whatever she's wearing in the later pictures)
i like it too! yay. i own Eiffel tower now mmmuahaha and i have another new poket mirror.
(taken by yaya... not very complimenting.)
(see? Sheri takes good pictures hahaha)
after the grand Finale of the family portrait, cabbed down to Claire's place at Tanah Merah, to find Eugene and Chloe stoning in Claire's rooftop.
Aunty Angie and Aunty-whatever ( i can't remember the maid's name) were very welcoming (:
exchanged greetings and we just chit chatted... while waiting for HuiPing's msg.
She was having waffle with Claire at Siglap and she'd cab down while Claire bus home not knowing anything.
and when HuiPing reaches, Eugene will be waiting for Claire at her bus-stop (this part was planned, as in Claire and Eugene planned to meet initially)
then Chloe, HuiPing and I will light up the candles and when we're done we'll sms Eugene so he'd bring Claire home from the park nearby.
everything went as planned, except that Claire saw the balloons from downstairs!
when she came upstairs, i heard her saying "what's up there? i'm very scared you know.."
only HuiPing was visible when Claire reached cuz she was holding the cake, and when she came nearer Chloe and I added on to the surprise by jumping out on her.
Claire's house has very merciless wind. SO IRRITATING.
balloons so near to candles... sure burst.
i shall wait for her to be back from Hong Kong to get the pictures from her SONY T70.
and monk's Sony whatever camera also.
hmph. NO FAIR. i shall get a Sony camera also.
am eyeing on the Sony T200.
yayness. can't wait (: