imma sucker.
imma sucker for beautiful accessories.
imma sucker for anna sui things.
imma sucker for bling and glittery and sparkly things.
imma sucker for colourful and attractive objects.
imma sucker for SHOPPING.
meet shun ya and carmen, the suckers.
it has been a great day with yaya.
besides the stupid stats lessons. (i brought my vaio and my stats spss notes but the spss in my vaio wouldn't work!)
accompanied the girls for lunch and then headed off to town with yaya.
(we wanted to stop at Holland V cuz i suddenly remembered Ice Rock Cafe which would definitely cheer yaya up. or anyone else for any matter. hahaha. but the bus stop was SO FREAKING FAR AWAY we gave up. check out the HDB tai tai on Ch 8 this week for the Ice Rock Cafe introduction.)
shopped at Zara. headed for Borders' paperchase.(nice new arrival for notebooks!!! bummer. i have enough notebooks at home.) ate at NYDC. (super delicious Mushroom Ham Baked Pasta and Cookie Monster Mudpie!) nice long chat. Hit the Isetan Scotts' Mango. and had a crazy late afternoon at Far East.
it's the usual things that i would usually do. (maybe minus lunching at NYDC.) but it just felt great to be out with a girl friend. it's always me alone or with monk. i think i've forgotten what it feels like to be out with a girl friend already. hahaha.
(i sound like sucha sad pathetic loser. but it was not long ago that i just went out with doris? tsk tsk)
imma sucker for shopping.
can i call up the agency to tell them i need my pay like, RIGHT NOW?! this very moment?!
top to bottom: my hand, yaya's hand, xuan xuan's hand. all with MY butterfly tattoo.
haha. like my secret society like that, have my trademark. wahahahaha.
our cookie monster mudpie!!!
I WANT THE BAG!!! ): it's like my Zara jacket. haha. nice terry cloth material >.<
$45 after discount. original $60.
i wish i'm earning money like xx do.
why doesn't God let me earn money like xx do? i'll be a happy little girl buying everything that i like and i will buy for my friends too! (if they are not some ridiculous price)
God should let me earn big money so people around me benefits too. heehee.
and i'm really speaking from the bottom of my heart. those who knows me knows i'm generous to those who are nice to me. right doris? and wong xiuyi!
sigh. and i'm eyeing on like, 3 mango pants. i can't make a choice.
they're all too nice.
and then the bling accessories. and then the bag. and then and then, i can't remember cuz there's just too many!
im just sucha sucker for shopping.
i think i shd go on some starvation diet. can save money to buy clothes plus slim down! HAHAHA.
i'm feeling like imma bridge again.
or maybe not bridge, maybe interchange. adjoining different train routes together.
not sucha bad thing after all.
and imma peace-maker.
and imma communication and information center.
HAHAHA. true, no?
i'll be saying the same things:
i'll be there for those who need me (((:
a call away. an sms away.
imma sucker for anna sui things.
imma sucker for bling and glittery and sparkly things.
imma sucker for colourful and attractive objects.
imma sucker for SHOPPING.
meet shun ya and carmen, the suckers.
it has been a great day with yaya.
besides the stupid stats lessons. (i brought my vaio and my stats spss notes but the spss in my vaio wouldn't work!)
P.S. i've decided to name my vaio "baio" which stands for "baby vaio". it's funny though cuz it sounds like "BIO". -.-
accompanied the girls for lunch and then headed off to town with yaya.
(we wanted to stop at Holland V cuz i suddenly remembered Ice Rock Cafe which would definitely cheer yaya up. or anyone else for any matter. hahaha. but the bus stop was SO FREAKING FAR AWAY we gave up. check out the HDB tai tai on Ch 8 this week for the Ice Rock Cafe introduction.)
shopped at Zara. headed for Borders' paperchase.(nice new arrival for notebooks!!! bummer. i have enough notebooks at home.) ate at NYDC. (super delicious Mushroom Ham Baked Pasta and Cookie Monster Mudpie!) nice long chat. Hit the Isetan Scotts' Mango. and had a crazy late afternoon at Far East.
it's the usual things that i would usually do. (maybe minus lunching at NYDC.) but it just felt great to be out with a girl friend. it's always me alone or with monk. i think i've forgotten what it feels like to be out with a girl friend already. hahaha.
(i sound like sucha sad pathetic loser. but it was not long ago that i just went out with doris? tsk tsk)
imma sucker for shopping.
can i call up the agency to tell them i need my pay like, RIGHT NOW?! this very moment?!

haha. like my secret society like that, have my trademark. wahahahaha.

$45 after discount. original $60.
i wish i'm earning money like xx do.
why doesn't God let me earn money like xx do? i'll be a happy little girl buying everything that i like and i will buy for my friends too! (if they are not some ridiculous price)
God should let me earn big money so people around me benefits too. heehee.
and i'm really speaking from the bottom of my heart. those who knows me knows i'm generous to those who are nice to me. right doris? and wong xiuyi!
sigh. and i'm eyeing on like, 3 mango pants. i can't make a choice.
they're all too nice.
and then the bling accessories. and then the bag. and then and then, i can't remember cuz there's just too many!
im just sucha sucker for shopping.
i think i shd go on some starvation diet. can save money to buy clothes plus slim down! HAHAHA.
i'm feeling like imma bridge again.
or maybe not bridge, maybe interchange. adjoining different train routes together.
not sucha bad thing after all.
and imma peace-maker.
and imma communication and information center.
HAHAHA. true, no?
i'll be saying the same things:
i'll be there for those who need me (((:
a call away. an sms away.
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