Wednesday, May 28, 2008

e.m.o. -[edited]

i almost got knocked down by an effing suzuki today.
it was travelling at like 70km/h and above in my neighbourhood? WTH!

what happened:
i just alighted at my bus-stop and was crossing the bus lane onto the curb of the bus lane.
this effing suzuki roared from far and was about to enter the bus lane and when the driver saw me, he shook right-left-right-left, before deciding to go back right again and stop in front of the bus stop.
i was so stunned by the driver's speed i just stood rooted there.
then after that, traumatized, i kinda obstructed the way of another car when crossing the road..
my mind couldn't recover for like, 5minutes?
and when the driver's friends boarded the car, the guy was shouting,
"朋友! 你驾这么快做什么?" (means friend! you drive so fast for what?)

i'm supposed to be mugging for my French Test before i leave for school, but because of that bloody incident i decided to blog instead. BAH.
slept super early last night. i went to bed at 845pm and i think i fell asleep before Rhythm of Life aired.
i think it's because i got my period yesterday evening, and so tired became fatigue and i just collapsed.
forgot my phone today and braved the storm with daddy this morning, entering UCCD partially wet.
was trying very hard to listen to Dickson's contribution for our pair work during tutorial but all i hear is his voice and nothing made sense.
next was trying very hard to listen to other group's answers and teacher's explanation but i only caught a couple of key words here and there and scribbled them down hastily before i forget again.

no appetite for break.
i ended up sitting there staring at my MR project.
not exactly in the best of mood today.
i think this month i have more progesterone in my body than oestrogen, which explains why i'm so moody and emo today ):
thanks enna sherilyn for the hugs (:
and dickson for countering all the effects that the hugs did and amplifying the effects of the progesterones!

aye. i'd better start studying for French or i'll probably end up getting an MC and pon-ing it! BAH!
this is REALLY testing my self-discipline.



today's French Test was the WORST one i've ever had.
and i suddenly miss Vivian ng very much.
because she drops us SUPER lots of hints before a test
(to the extent that she'll email us the content of the test, tell us what we would be tested for composition and oral test, so we can prepare beforehand, memorise and regurgitate.)
digression: high uncertainty avoidance

this time, we were all totally so ill-prepared, because the new teacher, Monsieur Fleur (i love his name mann) kept us in suspense totally.
all we know is that the scope is from lesson 9-12 and there'll be written and oral test.
oral test maybe in a form of dialogue or a conversation with him, which would be decided on that day (today) itself.
we didn't even get to know the FORMAT of the written test! (low uncertainty avoidance HAHA)
OMG. i totally flunked.
good news? there's only MR left now.
and i'm meeting the girlies (Clarissa & Claire) for costume shopping on Friday!

thanks BFF for listening to me crap all about my nonsense this afternoon!
i think that was better than chocolate therapy that both u and claire mentioned (:
[because i ate twix with TRIPLE CHOCOLATE and it didn't really help much either]

je ne veux pas travailler!


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