13th August 2008, Wednesday
had botak jones at Depot Road with daddy before heading down to Jiak Kim Street.
NUS Temasek Hall Pageant 2008 - Glamour Kills @ Zouk
met Chloe and we were ASTONISHED to see how many votes Claire had:
(and we met Jia Min, Shi Hui & Rebekah. equally astonished to find out Hui Qi and Hui Ping are in the Pageant too! hmm, naughty naughty Claire! didn't tell us!)
F3 - Hui Qi
F5 - Hui Ping
F6 - Claire, my darling
(JUST LOOK AT HER VOTES. haha. i met my friend from JC, Ley Ying, who's in the organising committee for this event and she said she casually asked if Claire's mum wanna buy some votes for Claire and she bout $100 worth of votes! *each vote is 20cts so that's 500 votes!* Jia Min Bekah & Shi Hui each forked out $10 for Huiqi & Huiping)

i left around here because i had to go home and study for Psychology test which was a super stressful task because, as my previous post mentioned, it's not confined within you and what you write on the paper.
on paper, it doesn't matter if you leave it blank or write crap because only you and the marker knows.
instead, you have to regurgitate whatever that managed to retain in your puny brain out to like, half the class and the teacher. so everyone would know how much you studied. or rather how photographic and how big is your brain.
so credits to Chloe for the pictures! (i only just got back my camera from her today that's why i didnt blog it till now)

The pretty good and clear and unblur images
but the photographer has very LOUSY skills because...
carry on scrolling and you'd know what i mean.

bucked teeth

pretty pretty Hui Shuang and some bunch of people (i presume, her new classmates? or VJC-ians)
In honour to my beloved Claire,
the woman who took my first kiss away!
her HC cheerleaders.
my JC friend, Xiu Yun 2nd from the left.
had botak jones at Depot Road with daddy before heading down to Jiak Kim Street.
NUS Temasek Hall Pageant 2008 - Glamour Kills @ Zouk
met Chloe and we were ASTONISHED to see how many votes Claire had:
(and we met Jia Min, Shi Hui & Rebekah. equally astonished to find out Hui Qi and Hui Ping are in the Pageant too! hmm, naughty naughty Claire! didn't tell us!)
F5 - Hui Ping
F6 - Claire, my darling
(JUST LOOK AT HER VOTES. haha. i met my friend from JC, Ley Ying, who's in the organising committee for this event and she said she casually asked if Claire's mum wanna buy some votes for Claire and she bout $100 worth of votes! *each vote is 20cts so that's 500 votes!* Jia Min Bekah & Shi Hui each forked out $10 for Huiqi & Huiping)
i left around here because i had to go home and study for Psychology test which was a super stressful task because, as my previous post mentioned, it's not confined within you and what you write on the paper.
on paper, it doesn't matter if you leave it blank or write crap because only you and the marker knows.
instead, you have to regurgitate whatever that managed to retain in your puny brain out to like, half the class and the teacher. so everyone would know how much you studied. or rather how photographic and how big is your brain.
so credits to Chloe for the pictures! (i only just got back my camera from her today that's why i didnt blog it till now)
The pretty good and clear and unblur images
but the photographer has very LOUSY skills because...
carry on scrolling and you'd know what i mean.
he is simply UNSKILLED.
the shots are so UNFLATTERING!
either the girls look like they ballooned, or they blinked, or they look like they have bucked teeth.
either the girls look like they ballooned, or they blinked, or they look like they have bucked teeth.

the woman who took my first kiss away!

pretty happy that i met up with Chloe (with her eggciting juicy story), NatNat & her Phantom - YS, Yingxiu, Yiwei, Rebekah, Shi Hui, Jia Min, Hui Shuang etc.
Ley Ying & Marlene from NYJC.
wow. great to see how everyone has changed. tsk tsk.
Clairey Neo Poots!
Congratulations on the Finals!
I'm so proud of you!
I'm so proud of you!
(feel free to grab all these photos haha.)
on a completely random note,
i really think my "cousin" (technically, it's godsister) and mindee ong look alike!
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