il est neuf heures moins le quart
and our class would be getting smaller with 3 people withdrawn/withdrawing.
FMA make-up test today was surprisingly ok! (but that doesn't mean i'd score well because i suddenly blanked out and forgot whether it's NPBT or NPAT for some formulas and i just stunned there.. there was a 5m give away question, 9m of theory. all in all i shd pass no problem? hahaha. )
it wasn't as tough as i expected because the teachers repeatedly told us the make-up is harder than the original test.
Melissa (from another class, shay's friend, not my bitch) made sense when she said that:
a. either they're giving separate papers for make-up and re-test, OR
a. either they're giving separate papers for make-up and re-test, OR
b. the paper should be easier than the original one since so many people failed.
funnily, there were about 50odd people in the class, and out of which, about 30 are from K's class! wahahaha.
French is getting quite horrid.
Alastair and I spend 50% of the time scratching our heads, wondering what the hell is the teacher speaking (since last week).
and the test is next week. -.-
baby turned 7months yesterday.
and last sunday, my idiotic brother, didn't take good care of baby and he fell from the dresser, which is about 1m tall.
as it turned out,
my brother wanted to bring baby for a swim on Sun as the weather was very good.
while changing baby, he left baby on the dresser for awhile and went away. and tada!
baby fell onto the floor from the dresser.
DUMBASS brother. no-brainer. how can he leave baby unattended on the tall monstrous dresser when baby knows how to turn his body already?
baby was angry at brother for a day and did not call "papa".
brought baby to KK for x-ray and doc said everything's fine, no fracture except several "balukus" but baby has to go back for another check-up next week.
hasn't been a good week for me.
thank you BFF! & bitch M for putting a smile on my face (:
YEAH. hopefully i'll be hitting the pool and getting some sun tmr!
after reading *******'s lj,
people can be sometimes be so insensitive and blame it on others being over-sensitive.
as i told HL, i was quite pissed at one point of time, especially with L and CH, but i didn't want to throw a fit, for fear that i would ruin the what superficial friendship there was.
yeah, whatever.
"i acknowledge and move on with my life".
i'll do that.
move on with my life, that is.
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