Definition: joyous
Synonyms: blessed, blest, blissful, blithe, can't complain, captivated, cheerful, chipper, chirpy, content, contented, convivial, delighted, ecstatic, elated, exultant, flying high, gay, glad, gleeful, gratified, hopped up, intoxicated, jolly, joyful, joyous, jubilant, laughing, light, lively, looking good, merry, mirthful, overjoyed, peaceful, peppy, perky, playful, pleasant, pleased, satisfied, sparkling, sunny, thrilled, tickled, tickled pink, up, upbeat
Dear Natalie, my president of the GANs, you know how much I Love You! So if I tell you I dread receiving Body Shop because
#1 I've been receiving it for consecutive 3 years now! (first orange, then rose, now mango & clementine. is that the same as orange?) and
#2 I've sensitive skin which = I don't use soaps other than Dove, Johnsons & Johnsons & Simple, please don't be mad at me ok?
for being the bestest best friend I could ever ask for.

for all the fun and laughters you've brought me, not forgetting the woes and sorrows that cemented our friendship.
Love you lots too!
to Nigus, (including Christina too!)
Chloe for being my macho muscle woman (although you're scared of insects!) for your crappiness and disgusting-burping-out-loud-ness.
Clarissa for your forever-bimbotic-antics and for being so huggable! and i haven't forgotten my promise! i will protect you! *winks*
Christina, although you weren't here with us, but you're always in our hearts!
Thank you for the card! awww.
Jia Jia, for your helium BEH-LOOOOON (it's not YALLOW?) and the 4 x 1.5L of water! thanks mann, life saviour! Thank you for simply coming! and you know although i keep saying you suck, for not replying my smses or smsing me, i still miss you loads deep down =P
Claire, (read above!!)
to Natalie,
although you couldn't come to help due to your OT, you're much appreciated ok!
and cheers to our 6years of friendship!
we will commence our TRIPLE DATE some time! LOVE!

thank you so much for the present, the card, the paperchase bag & paperchase wrapper!
I LOVE my instax mini very very much thank you (:
despite the ups and downs we've experienced throughout the whole of Year 1 (and also on the party itself), i'm still glad to have known you girls! (:
many thanks to yanling for the video and my condolences for your dead brain cells (:
to doris, rachel and zhuang yuan
for simply coming! (:
for being the wonderful people that i can rely on during my DHSCO days..
to my parents,
despite the quarrels, despite the fights, despite the tiffs and bickerings,
i know and feel the love you both have for me, deep down within your hearts.
my mum, for always giving negative, pessimistic, disapproving comments, but in the end, you'd still help and support me.
my dad, for always being the positive, optimistic and supportive parent, pointing out the details that i've overlooked, giving me all the advices. I'll never forget all the words of wisdoms you've said to me. simple and shallow they may be, but the meaning that follows is greater than the depth of the seas.
to my brothers,
for being my financial support! (my parents are too la duh)
for always (most of the time) succumbing to my whims and fancies =P
for being the best brothers i could ever ask for. despite the fact that we're only half-siblings, both of you has never hesitated in showering me with your utmost love, care and concern, and would always put me before yourselves, and protecting me, guiding me, helping me in the past 19years.
to HeSheng,
Many heartfelt thanks to everyone!
and thanks for all the birthday wishes (:
other random things that are giving me endorphins:
- Congratulations to my loveliest friends for all the good results!
- I finally got my wireless modem! my connection speed is a POW-WOW 3mbps (i know it sounds no big deal to 10mbps, but still!) now and i can connect my baio & tyty (my itouch from my love as Vday gift, and i decided to name it tyty i don't know why. a moment of impulse?) wirelessly WITHOUT committing to "stealing"crimes. *shhhh!*
so now i can watch heroes FULL SCREEN on my desktop, while lying "bonelessly" on my comfortable bed on a RAINY weather, and blog, surf net and MSN etc on my baio.
it's, quote sherilyn, "TEH SHIOK"!
- Went to babysit Kynan yesterday. And I have found a lifetime job back-up in times of retrenchment and unemployment.
that is, BABYSIT KYNAN @ $5/hour! hahaha. cool huh. so now i don't have to worry about being jobless anymore.
- Working tomorrow! I've never been THIS psyched about working, but tomorrow I'm getting my official Sony Tee! yes, the BLACK Professional-looking kind with "Sony" sewn on it in white threads, not the crappy "VAIOth Anniversary" tees in weird colours!
- starting my FIRST online spree here
- starting an online shop with xiuyi (we're still discussing the name! we're failures at discussion cuz we always end up digressing.)
i'm a
blessed, blest, blissful, blithe, can't complain, captivated, cheerful, chipper, chirpy, content, contented, convivial, delighted, ecstatic, elated, exultant, flying high, gay, glad, gleeful, gratified, hopped up, intoxicated, jolly, joyful, joyous, jubilant, laughing, light, lively, looking good, merry, mirthful, overjoyed, peaceful, peppy, perky, playful, pleasant, pleased, satisfied, sparkling, sunny, thrilled, tickled, tickled pink, up, upbeat
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