last day of challenger!
it's 725pm now.
i'm so so so so freaking bored.
i really think i'd be mad with boredom by tuesday.
today's saturday and i'm already so bored!!!
what to do when it's monday and tuesday!
and i didn't sell a single thing today.
was watching rv the whole day. hahaha. can't believe i actually took the whole day to watch rv!(because i keep getting interrupted by browsing customers)
i'd rather it be like comex. busy busy busy like a little bumblebee until i have no time to notice who's harrassing me.
(this idiotic delivery man gave me a fly kiss and a wink on his way out.i just totally stood rooted to the ground, dumbfounded. stunned.)
and then the stupid challenger staff (whom stuck his tongue out at me ytd) asked if i have a sister, because he claims that he has a friend that looks exactly like me, except she's older and about twice my size.
he said when i knock off today (which is like, 1hour later) he'll show it to me on his friendster.
i think tmr i would like, bring princess diaries, or legally blonde or the parent trap. (those that i totally know by heart cuz i cannot hear a single thing from all the fiasco here at vivocity. it's like watching a muted show although the volume is the max already.)
then maybe i'd bring a book to read on monday and tuesday, judging by the fact that the challenger people don't give a hoot about what i do.
(gosh i simply love the keyboard man. i don't understand why some customers can complain they don't like it.i would absolutely love this.i can type at the speed of lightning on this and without having to look at the keyboard.)
hurry hurry hurry hurry.
why does time passes so slowly whenever i want it to go faster???
hell of a torture.
patrick seow!!!!! (kinda feel like strangling him.)
faster faster faster faster!
i hope i can land my hands on some dippin' donut before i go home for tmr's breakfast.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------monday and tuesday:
it's 6pm of Monday evening.
my second last day of work here, at vivocity's challenger.
can't really say i'd miss this place.
but yet you'd never know! (look at how i missed the comex when i kept complaining it's hell tiring)
but NAH. i dont think i'll miss here much. (maybe i'll miss getting paid just to watch movies.haha)
i watched legally blonde yesterday, and had BK chicken for lunch, sitting outside vivocity, facing sentosa, enjoying the breeze and the sun. (sounds like picnic huh.)
and after lunch, i watched princess diaries.
den listened to some songs while watching Bruce Almighty on Challenger's uber big projector and tada!
there goes my sunday.
had dinner with daddy and mummy at vivo's Kopitiam at basement 2 and den we took the train home together.
oh yes!
i also did a hell lot of online shopping yesterday morning!
finally the maple syrup spree is here! ordered so many things! =P
i had driving this morning from 1030-1230.
it's a bummer cuz i lost my student booklet and my provisional driving license.
replaced my student booklet (it's a book that actually records your progress and which subjects you've taken) at $10.70
BUT because the stupid traffic police's system was down (AGAIN), i couldn't get a duplicate of my PDL.
and so, i couldn't drive outside the circuit! RAH.
the instructor was nice because he offered to help me look for my stuff high and low.
and then he took me on to subject 11 since i couldn't do subject 10 outside the circuit on the real roads.
supposed to start work at 130.and i was like, really late. i reached around 150.
but no one seems to care.hahaha.
and then started my routine video watchin. today was Crayon Shinchan, and then i watched Sandra Bullock's While You Were Sleeping.
den lunch at Food Republic. den shopping at Daiso. den i bought 2Dippin Donut which i'm going to devour tonight. teeheehee.
and den i'm back to my routine video watching again (While you were sleeping disc 2).
heck. at least i'm paid to like, watch movies. HAHAHA.
tomorrow's my last day! can't wait. think i'll have to like, sms patrick later if i'm supposed to go to any other roadshows after this one.
can't believe i still have like, 3.5 more hours to go!!!
sigh. i think i'll start on my other movie: Alot like Love
lester was asking me why the movies i bring are all romance genre. so boring.
haha. i think so too! but i think i'd embarrass myself if i were to watch horrors or comedy?
even watchin romance i have to like, fight very hard to keep a straight face, and not go gaga over the romantic scenes. the guys opposite me(the camera and handphone section) seems to like to look at my expressions when i'm watching video. so irritatin but i just ignore them anyway.)
if i were to watch horror of comedy? i'd totally be a humiliation or a joke.
yadda yadda. i'm just ranting.
i wish i'm paid to do shopping.(is there a job like that?)
last day of work today.and everyone here (by that i mean the challenger staff) are all like going "today your last day?today your last day?" phwoar.
like it's some world news like that. spread like wild fire.
watched Crayon Shinchan, and den slacked around, walked around, chit chat around, den continued Alot Like Love disc 2, which i didn't manage to finish last night.
when i finished, it's time for break!
had a craving for some spicy noodle today, so i bought Shin Ramen from 7-11 and a Cheesy Hotdog from Golden Village and went picnicing again in the outdoors.
after which i went shopping around! hahaha. oh gosh. i saw this top from forever21 that i really like! -squeals-
now just back from my break not long ago.
i think i'm going to do my manicure while watching Cinderella Story.
HAHAHA. (i think yanling would really want to strangle me when she reads this.. MANICURE)
anyway, contacted Patrick last night. he said i'll be doing Funan with him this weekend.
yayness. then i won't be like freaking hell bored.
got patrick the botak starfish!
plus funan should be better than here.sales wise.
and there's subway! (: eat fresh! miss my cold cut trio.
but it'll be boring cuz i cant go wandering around, shopping for clothes like what i do here during lunch break.
(there's no clothes to look at at Funan. only stupid IT gadgets.) bummer.
ohwells. just pray really hard that sales would be good!
patrick and alex came around 8+ while i was talking to Sherilyn on the phone, giving her directions on how to locate me cuz it's only her second time at vivocity.
got a shock cuz patrick sprung onto me and say "zuo gong bu yao yi zhi jiang dian hua!" in a joking manner.
hahaha. i wasn't expecting them.
helped them dismantle the display by almost doing nothing. haha. just jagar the things only. (especially alex's newly bought 700+ PS3 haha!) yeah.
and since alex say nevermind, i shall post this TAK GLAM PICTURE OF HIM (that i found in the recycle bin of the indigo blue CR11 model... taken with the webcam.)

haha. sherilyn say he look like Luo Zhi Xiang! *faints*
anyway, i left around 835 and headed to Marche with Sheri!!!

this was taken after we devoured a happy delicious meal at marche.
it's so weird that i feel more familiar with Heeren's Village than this Marche, when you know, i used to patronise Marche.
ok. it sounds funny. but i think (or i expect) claire to understand it the best for we were Marche's best friends. HAHAHA.
the new Marche is quite different compared to the old Marche, while the new Village is like, exactly the same as the old Marche except its name is now Village.
ya. if you get what i mean.
anyway, gotta go.
P.S. just got the pictures from Sheri.
but i cannot blog it because i'm like, sworn to secrecy because sheri says ling ling is dying to find out how her new haircut looks like. so i'm supposed to let everyone find out by themselves on Sunday, which is DBA 08's bbq!
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