i'm the world's suay-est person.
not to mention the fact that i lost my driving student booklet and my provisional driving license earlier this year,
i lost my hair clip:
i brought it out to use it but lost it before i even let it touch my hair.
then i lost my anna sui ring, which was a gift from monk for Vday.
(and thank god my dad found it. under my bed. how it got there, I DON'T KNOW)
and then i lost my wallet along with so many cards and i don't even want to start talking about the repercussions.
and just THE DAY BEFORE,
i lost the spider side. so i'm only left with the spider-web side.
there's a maplesyrup spree open now, (thanks ling) BUT. this colour's not available!
i just gotta be patient and wait to see if they restock it.
OMG. the anticipation is killing me.
and the thought that they're not restocking this colour kills me too.
if you think i'm done rambling here, you're in for a BIG MISTAKE.
i just cannot fathom what kind of day i'm going to have tomorrow.
first i have econs test from 10am-11am.
and after that, i'm supposed to do FOM project with Sheri and Ling.
from 1pm-3pm i have my GEMs. (and God forbids me, but i have NOT done my elearning report yet. at lost because i don't know what to write.)
3pm-530pm will be dedicated to doing my French Project, because the presentation is like, at 530pm tmr?
and in between all the breaks, i'll have to do two zero-point-rubber-band-skipping-rope thingy with Ling & Sheri for our dear Eon (the guy from Food from the Heart, in charge of our CIP) and maybe research on some Henna designs and pray hard i don't make a f-o-o-l out of myself on Saturday's CIP. (i haven't got a chance to do this to Audrey's face, but in cyberspace, i'd like to say, Thanks alot, Audrey. really.)
and then when French ends, I'll be heading to the Chinese International School for our CIP briefing from 730pm-930pm.
i think i'd be DEAD BEAT by then.
and who knows, maybe GRUMPY will be written all over my face.
(because i don't know where to squeeze in dinner.)
and Saturday would be entirely devoted to doing THE GREATER GOOD. haha. CIP, duh!
(i like the sound of that, makes me feel, well, GOOD!)
and Sunday would be entirely devoted to working at Funan. (yes again! and i don't want to imagine facing tulanzzz all by myself.)
and i can already predict monday blues.
and you want to hear more?
besides all these activities, i've to squeeze out time to finish the books i borrowed to do my CRS reading activity thing, and find an article to do my CRS written response, PLUS my FOM report and lastly, i wish i could forget it but no, my GEMs report.
you see how i got the "premonition" that i'm going to suffer Monday blues?
to top it all off, i'm down with a teeny flu.
my life is just great, isn't it?
not to mention the fact that i lost my driving student booklet and my provisional driving license earlier this year,
i lost my hair clip:

i brought it out to use it but lost it before i even let it touch my hair.
then i lost my anna sui ring, which was a gift from monk for Vday.
(and thank god my dad found it. under my bed. how it got there, I DON'T KNOW)
but you know what, i was a gan jiong spider because it really meant alot and i really really REALLY like it. (i wear it like, everyday?) so i went to buy it. and tada! i've 2 rings now.
good thing?
i don't have to worry about losing it in the future and not be able to get a replacement. HA.
and then i lost my wallet along with so many cards and i don't even want to start talking about the repercussions.
and just THE DAY BEFORE,

there's a maplesyrup spree open now, (thanks ling) BUT. this colour's not available!
i just gotta be patient and wait to see if they restock it.
OMG. the anticipation is killing me.
and the thought that they're not restocking this colour kills me too.
if you think i'm done rambling here, you're in for a BIG MISTAKE.
i just cannot fathom what kind of day i'm going to have tomorrow.
first i have econs test from 10am-11am.
and after that, i'm supposed to do FOM project with Sheri and Ling.
from 1pm-3pm i have my GEMs. (and God forbids me, but i have NOT done my elearning report yet. at lost because i don't know what to write.)
3pm-530pm will be dedicated to doing my French Project, because the presentation is like, at 530pm tmr?
and in between all the breaks, i'll have to do two zero-point-rubber-band-skipping-rope thingy with Ling & Sheri for our dear Eon (the guy from Food from the Heart, in charge of our CIP) and maybe research on some Henna designs and pray hard i don't make a f-o-o-l out of myself on Saturday's CIP. (i haven't got a chance to do this to Audrey's face, but in cyberspace, i'd like to say, Thanks alot, Audrey. really.)
and then when French ends, I'll be heading to the Chinese International School for our CIP briefing from 730pm-930pm.
i think i'd be DEAD BEAT by then.
and who knows, maybe GRUMPY will be written all over my face.
(because i don't know where to squeeze in dinner.)
and Saturday would be entirely devoted to doing THE GREATER GOOD. haha. CIP, duh!
(i like the sound of that, makes me feel, well, GOOD!)
and Sunday would be entirely devoted to working at Funan. (yes again! and i don't want to imagine facing tulanzzz all by myself.)
and i can already predict monday blues.
P.S. how does the Charmed Ones do it, seriously?
and you want to hear more?
besides all these activities, i've to squeeze out time to finish the books i borrowed to do my CRS reading activity thing, and find an article to do my CRS written response, PLUS my FOM report and lastly, i wish i could forget it but no, my GEMs report.
you see how i got the "premonition" that i'm going to suffer Monday blues?
to top it all off, i'm down with a teeny flu.
my life is just great, isn't it?
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