best day of my life
Woke up around a half past ten
Can’t believe that I’m late again
Put down about a quart of caffine
To start my pulse and then
I grabbed my jeans off the floor and I hit the door,
Just the same old same
It goes to show
You never know
When everything’s about to change
Just another day
Started out like any other
Just another girl who took my breath away
Then she turned around
She took me down
Just another day that I ....
Had the best day of my life
Can’t say exactly what it was
She’s not the usual type
She wore a cowboy hat
With her red Prada boots
And a Gwen Stefani smile
Then she pulled out a pen and surprised me when
She wrote her number on my hand
Then she was gone,
But from now on
I’m gonna be a different man
Just another day
Started out like any other
Just another girl who took my breath away
Then she turned around
She took me down
Just another day that I ...
Had the best day of my life
I guess it goes to show
You never really know
When everything’s about to change
Just another day
Started out like any other
Just another girl who took my breath away
Then she turned around
She took me down
Just another day that I ...
Had the best day of my life
hi melly baby!
we made plans to go on a date on tuesday! (9th dec)
my first time wearing swishy flowy skirt out & french braid!
mel wore her swishy flowy skirt as a tube dress.
first times! hee.
met up at Borders and she bought present for yap.
her perm isn't as curly as i expected it to look haha. but it's nice nevertheless. suits her.
Heeren next to try on my glamour kills tops before i order online. (: (: (:
Far East's Pasta Mania. Far East.
Liat Tower's New Esprit. Starbucks.
And we had a helluva time talent-scouting on the streets for people to take pictures of us with my Fujifilm Instax. haha.
Ang Moh. Professional Photographer. Ang Moh.
(ang mohs are like super friendly! and the pro photog surprisingly was very approachable and thanked us for giving him a chance to try this other branch of camera he has never tried before)

I was rather surprised that melly baby wanted to watch a movie at Lido given our last encounter there. (Burn After Reading. lousy movie lousy uncomfortable seats. blardy cold cinema.)
Can’t believe that I’m late again
Put down about a quart of caffine
To start my pulse and then
I grabbed my jeans off the floor and I hit the door,
Just the same old same
It goes to show
You never know
When everything’s about to change
Just another day
Started out like any other
Just another girl who took my breath away
Then she turned around
She took me down
Just another day that I ....
Had the best day of my life
Can’t say exactly what it was
She’s not the usual type
She wore a cowboy hat
With her red Prada boots
And a Gwen Stefani smile
Then she pulled out a pen and surprised me when
She wrote her number on my hand
Then she was gone,
But from now on
I’m gonna be a different man
Just another day
Started out like any other
Just another girl who took my breath away
Then she turned around
She took me down
Just another day that I ...
Had the best day of my life
I guess it goes to show
You never really know
When everything’s about to change
Just another day
Started out like any other
Just another girl who took my breath away
Then she turned around
She took me down
Just another day that I ...
Had the best day of my life
hi melly baby!
we made plans to go on a date on tuesday! (9th dec)
my first time wearing swishy flowy skirt out & french braid!
mel wore her swishy flowy skirt as a tube dress.
first times! hee.
met up at Borders and she bought present for yap.
her perm isn't as curly as i expected it to look haha. but it's nice nevertheless. suits her.
Heeren next to try on my glamour kills tops before i order online. (: (: (:
Far East's Pasta Mania. Far East.
Liat Tower's New Esprit. Starbucks.
And we had a helluva time talent-scouting on the streets for people to take pictures of us with my Fujifilm Instax. haha.
Ang Moh. Professional Photographer. Ang Moh.
(ang mohs are like super friendly! and the pro photog surprisingly was very approachable and thanked us for giving him a chance to try this other branch of camera he has never tried before)
I thought she'd choose Cine (or probably not because it's infested with BIRDS) or Grand Cathay. But I presumed she chose it because it's the nearest.
When we crossed over to Lido, I was staring at the screen showing the movie timeslots. The movies' timings were all 9pm or 9pm+.
When we crossed over to Lido, I was staring at the screen showing the movie timeslots. The movies' timings were all 9pm or 9pm+.
"See? I told you movies are always 7+ or 9+ lor. There's no movie that's 8+ one luh!"
-busy texting, ignores me.-
Continues staring at the flickering screen.
"How come the screen's not changing? There's only like Bolt, Bolt 3D, Sex Drive & Quarantine?!"
-she continues texting and ignores me.-
"How? How come so few movies only? Eee, I dont want to watch these. How?"
"Actually, we're watching Twilight today."
I scoffed. "Yeah right."
"Really! We're watching Twilight today."
"Yeah right. I don't believe you."
"It's not even showing. It's only launching on the 18th what."
"I'm SERIOUS. We're really watching Twilight."
"I don't believe you!"
"Really! Why don't you believe me?"
(half of me wanted to believe her, but half of me thought i would look super stupid if i believed her and then her story turns out to be bluffing bullocks. it would give her license to mock me for like, probably the rest of my life. and since she's always so full of nonsense i thought it'd be more logical to NOT believe her. also because she didn't look exasperated or anything but all smiley like she's enjoying every minute of it.)
"Ok, if you want me to believe you then show me the tickets."
"If I really have the tickets then what would you do?"
-ponders for a moment-
"I.. I.. If you really have the tickets then I'll give you a kiss!"
And she magically produces a slightly crushed black envelope with "Twilight" printed on its bottom right hand corner (i think) in its signature font. And takes out the invitation with two tickets in it and shoved it at me.
"Ah, ah, so...? Where's my kiss?"
"How'd you get it?"
"My aunt gave it to me. It's the premiere tonight.. 830pm. haha! So, where's my kiss!"
"No wonder you kept on insisting that there is SURE going to be a movie that's 8+... You want on the lips or on the cheeks? HAHAHA."
"WAH. On the lips somemore!"
"Ok la, cheeks la."
and we happily went up the escalator to the Lido Shaw cineplex.
you're indeed the besterestest thing that happened to me in 2008
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