bits and pieces
super duper long post ahead!
(ok, this is abit slow considering the fact that it happened 1week ago and he just booked in to camp last night..)
so we met up on (last)tuesday...
Tuesday, 27/10/07
went to his house first cuz i left home for "school" as per normal..
and it's a tad too early to go shopping so we watched Stardust!
and we took photos...
and photos...
and photos...
and photos..
he's a super lousy photographer. i made him take the pictures cuz he has longer hands (like duh!) but he cannot aim properly or can't find the right angle! *HMPH*
he made me pose in front of the fan, blowing my hair... (-.-)
"no..i don't want.."
"okok.. one ah.."
he kept taking photos of me when i'm using the computer...
but they look pretty cool la. haha.
this is welly kool.
and we cabbed down to Vivo to Shop till We Drop!
yay. pretty pretty X'mas lights. (:
poor monk. he's so deprived of good food in Australia. he desperately wanted to try something nice and cool and new. but most of the restaurants are closed during 3pm..
so we headed to Marche again, much to his reluctance...
so he forbaded me from my usual swiss rosti+crepe+soft shell crab. LOL.
he said we should try new things. but i managed to fight for my rosti! ha!
This looks super duper disgusting. like some messy disgusting bowl of thingys, but it is SUPER DUPER YUMMY.
it's dno what pasta with chicken and creamy sauce.
my swiss rosti. (cheese sausage highly NOT recommended. too salty.)
Pork Neck thingy which i didn't really like because the sauce tasted weird..
and it's Camwhoring time! (while monk is eating the Pork Neck thingy which i'm very uninterested in..hahaha.)

He hates it when i try to take Emo pictures... and he keeps trying to "destroy" the pictures by appearing in them.. *grrrr*

see? he purposely put his hand on my shoulder!!!
went daiso to buy nail tabs but sold out.
bought some super big hair curlers. (:
the X'mas hat very cheap! $2 only! haha.
better buy it before it is all gone or before inflation sets in during X'mas!
Wednesday, 28/11/07

somebody thought we forgot her bday! and was SUPER DUPER MOODY throughout the whole Stats lesson lor!
tsk tsk tsk.
but that's good cuz for the first time she was actually attentive in class! and completed her work!!!
continued shopping at Vivo because the previous day we didn't manage to finish shopping there...
this is SO SUPER CUTE!
all around there are slots (4 i think) to put in the baby photos. and if you hold the base and turn the thing, it actually spins and there's this very melodious and soothing music! and the pictures spin s...l...o...w...l...y...
which is very cute!
you push the thing down clockwise, and then it'll start moving in anti-clockwise direction when you release it, and it's with music too!
had lunch at Crystal Jade:
yum yum yum!
i love the Cheong Fun!
this is fried rice with scallop and egg white and sprinkled with fish roe on top.
yumyum. my favourite. the prawn fillings wrapped with tou fu skin..
the crispy outer layer of the chicken is very nice. and the meat is also very tender, the only thing that i dislike about it is the marinate they used. some weird spice smell. but it's still edible. hahaha.
another of my favourite: "lor pat gou" (:
continued shopping to exercise off the bulging tummy..
Love this T-shirt from Forever21.
smocked velvet tube-halter top.
it cost like a freakin $53! and i saw it online at and it's only 22.80USD. so i ordered online! haha. costs 36.98SGD with shipping. MAXIMUM $40 with postage and top ups. but i doubt so, it should be less than 40SGD. HEHs.
ONLINE SHOPPING IS QUEEN when you know how you look like and how it fits BEFOREHAND. >.< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thursday, 29/11/07
Food Implosion Competition.
Super disgusting. they had to eat cereals, drink carrot juice, cup noodles, half loaf of French Bread.. ugh.. DISGUSTING.
The guy beside the guy in "white" (supposed to be pink in reality) is our arch enemy! our class's arch enemy's class rep to be exact. *pfffft!*
played mahjong at night and won 84tais! OMG. if only this happened in REALITY. ):
10cts/20cts i also SHIOK larh.
Friday 30/11/07
shopping at Bugis made a SUPER HUGE dent in my pocket. and also monk's wallet.
took this on our way to school for my french lesson..
i bought monk a pair of magnetic earrings from online spree.
he looks pretty cool in it. HAHA.
but i spoiled one on saturday... ):
Saturday, 1/12/07
meetup with BESTIE!
had lunch at a place in Raffles Place called Aerin's.
my spaghetti. VERY YUMMY. and i'm s super-anti-tomato person but i finished all the tomatos in it! can you see how yummy it is?
Xiuyi's looks-like-very-healthy-sandwich. it's not that healthy la. alot of MEAT.
Our dessert. the ice cream rocked cuz i personally don't really like raspberry. haha. i'm fussy and picky eater la, ok? yup. but the chocolate pudding was rather disappointing cuz we thought that there's chocolate "mud" in the middle that would ooooooze out when we cut it open, but NADA! it's just one big fat solid chocolate "pudding".
shopping with bestie was GREATTT.
if not for the marcerena dance. boohoo.
met up with monk at Grand Cathay for Enchanted.
the reason i like cathay more than gv (not in popcorn wise) is cathay is more service-oriented. i think gv is more profit-oriented. >.<
Xmas tree (at PS again!)
this time with the lights on! (:
the endless X'mas lightings! yayyy. so prettaye.
in front of Istana.
lovely (:
Hello? Anybody Home? Do you know Prince Edward?
8days Celebrity Flea Market
Jacelyn Tay and Miss Singapore on stage with hosts.
basically people sold things from their car boots.
and it was SWELTERING HOT.
you have to be VERY CAREFUL when you pick up bags to try on cuz they can actually SCORCH YOU!
Bryan Wong's Chair up for auction. (NO! not the left one, it's the right one, duh!)
Zoe Tay's stuff.
Fann Wong's used sofa up for auction.
random car boots.
more random car boots.
there's one car that's really special but i couldn't take picture because i'll have to pay $1 to take picture with the car...
headed for lunch and some shopping at Tangs with mummy.
while mummy's busy trying on shoes, i was busy trying on shoes for no, not myself, but for WONG XIU YI!
you owe me big big big time!
Tuesday, 4/12/07
went bestie's house and had very yummy lunch together.
chit chat and caught up more with each other..
den i tried to help her with her makeup and finding the right shade of eyeshadow for her..
haha. i took this picture very secretly while drawin her eyeliner for her. tsk tsk tsk.
feel so tempted to draw it crookedly or maybe draw an eye on her eye lids.
her eye make up totally ruined cuz her left eye kept "secreting" alot of water.. (-.-)
i was screamin at her to ask her eye to stop "secreting" water cuz the eyeliner kept smudging and i kept reapplying.
and all she could reply is "stop making me laugh! or my eyes go watery again!"
GREAT. can i help it if i'm so comical???
random unglam shot of bestie hahaha.
lent her my makeup. and we finally chose colours that suits her...
the bronzer's supposed to have this effect. hahaha.
yay. i'm finally done with my updates! YAWN.
imma hit the bed.
shall start on my revolution of waking up early and going for a Jog tmr MORNING before school!
like, OMG.
but don't hold your hopes high cuz i might not wake up in the end. HAHAHA.
(ok, this is abit slow considering the fact that it happened 1week ago and he just booked in to camp last night..)
so we met up on (last)tuesday...
Tuesday, 27/10/07
went to his house first cuz i left home for "school" as per normal..
and it's a tad too early to go shopping so we watched Stardust!
he's a super lousy photographer. i made him take the pictures cuz he has longer hands (like duh!) but he cannot aim properly or can't find the right angle! *HMPH*
he made me pose in front of the fan, blowing my hair... (-.-)
so we headed to Marche again, much to his reluctance...
he said we should try new things. but i managed to fight for my rosti! ha!
This looks super duper disgusting. like some messy disgusting bowl of thingys, but it is SUPER DUPER YUMMY.
it's dno what pasta with chicken and creamy sauce.

bought some super big hair curlers. (:
better buy it before it is all gone or before inflation sets in during X'mas!
Wednesday, 28/11/07
somebody thought we forgot her bday! and was SUPER DUPER MOODY throughout the whole Stats lesson lor!
tsk tsk tsk.
but that's good cuz for the first time she was actually attentive in class! and completed her work!!!
continued shopping at Vivo because the previous day we didn't manage to finish shopping there...
all around there are slots (4 i think) to put in the baby photos. and if you hold the base and turn the thing, it actually spins and there's this very melodious and soothing music! and the pictures spin s...l...o...w...l...y...
which is very cute!
you push the thing down clockwise, and then it'll start moving in anti-clockwise direction when you release it, and it's with music too!
had lunch at Crystal Jade:
i love the Cheong Fun!
continued shopping to exercise off the bulging tummy..
it cost like a freakin $53! and i saw it online at and it's only 22.80USD. so i ordered online! haha. costs 36.98SGD with shipping. MAXIMUM $40 with postage and top ups. but i doubt so, it should be less than 40SGD. HEHs.
ONLINE SHOPPING IS QUEEN when you know how you look like and how it fits BEFOREHAND. >.< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thursday, 29/11/07
10cts/20cts i also SHIOK larh.
Friday 30/11/07
shopping at Bugis made a SUPER HUGE dent in my pocket. and also monk's wallet.
i bought monk a pair of magnetic earrings from online spree.
but i spoiled one on saturday... ):
Saturday, 1/12/07
meetup with BESTIE!
had lunch at a place in Raffles Place called Aerin's.
shopping with bestie was GREATTT.
if not for the marcerena dance. boohoo.
met up with monk at Grand Cathay for Enchanted.
the reason i like cathay more than gv (not in popcorn wise) is cathay is more service-oriented. i think gv is more profit-oriented. >.<
this time with the lights on! (:
8days Celebrity Flea Market
and it was SWELTERING HOT.
there's one car that's really special but i couldn't take picture because i'll have to pay $1 to take picture with the car...
headed for lunch and some shopping at Tangs with mummy.
while mummy's busy trying on shoes, i was busy trying on shoes for no, not myself, but for WONG XIU YI!
you owe me big big big time!
Tuesday, 4/12/07
went bestie's house and had very yummy lunch together.
chit chat and caught up more with each other..
den i tried to help her with her makeup and finding the right shade of eyeshadow for her..
feel so tempted to draw it crookedly or maybe draw an eye on her eye lids.
i was screamin at her to ask her eye to stop "secreting" water cuz the eyeliner kept smudging and i kept reapplying.
and all she could reply is "stop making me laugh! or my eyes go watery again!"
GREAT. can i help it if i'm so comical???
yay. i'm finally done with my updates! YAWN.
imma hit the bed.
shall start on my revolution of waking up early and going for a Jog tmr MORNING before school!
like, OMG.
but don't hold your hopes high cuz i might not wake up in the end. HAHAHA.
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